MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Siva2478 [Contact]

Hi there! I am a 26 year old single mother of a wonderful 6 year old boy. ; ) Between him and Harry Potter, I don't have time for much else. I've made him into a fan, because i discovered HP when he was mere months old, and have been nuts over the whole "universe" since then, and he couldn't help but be influenced, so when the cable goes out or we have a "sleepover" in the living room, we watch Harry Potter. I only discovered fan fiction about 6 months ago, and I've been hooked ever since. Some of these stories are absolutely amazing. So keep writing guys, and I'll keep reading!

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Reviews by Siva2478

Harry Potter and the Magical Myths by nuw255

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: A man from Interpol comes to question Harry Potter as part of a murder investigation. How will Harry react? And how will this affect his search for Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes? Plus, the question we all want answered: What will happen with Ginny?

This story picks up immediately after HBP, and is very slightly AU. But hey, aren’t they all?

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 03/12/07 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 26: The Lightning Warriors

Oh I forgot to tell you... i LOVED that Neville got the best of Harry... I think that Neville is greatly underestimated and I love it when he kicks.. you know... The trio needs to practice... ; ) Fabulous Chapter Nuw

Author's Response: I\'m glad you enjoyed that part. A confident Neville is very cool, and he\'s been practicing a LOT more than Harry has.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/11/07 Title: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: The Return of the White Wizard

Nuw... i think you should take into account the abnormally long wait times we are having here BEFORE you write these cliffies... ; ) I kinda thought it would be Tonks. i love her...

Author's Response: *sigh* You\'re probably right about the cliffies. The mods keep saying they\'ll be faster, though. Tonks is great, isn\'t she? :-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/01/07 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Death of a Werewolf

Nuw it was worth the VERY LONG wait... ; ) thank you for not killing off Remus... i was scared you were gonna try to do that to me twice in a row (yes i know you brought him back last time but i thought he was a goner) welcome back, hows the familia?

Author's Response: Thank you! Sorry about the wait; hopefully it won\'t be that long again. I\'m glad I was able to give you a little scare without causing any permanent damage. ;-) The family is doing well; there should be a new baby sometime next week.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 07/10/07 Title: Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Rescue

wow and yea! and wow... worth the wait Nuw. I really like the way that Voldy is starting to see that Harry is far from weak... and then HE RAN AWAY!!! love it long time!!

Author's Response: Glad you liked it, Siva. Although in Voldykins\' defense, he was injured at the time. Bad judgment on his part to set a trap when he wasn\'t at his best. Unfortunately for Harry, he won\'t make that mistake again. On the other hand, making him run away was so much FUN! ;-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/21/07 Title: Chapter 31: Chapter 31: A Day Off

YEA!!! i know i keep saying it, but i LOVE Harry and Ginny... restores my faith in mankind ; ) i love how she yelled at Tom. that is so Ginny!

Author's Response: I\'m really glad you liked it. This was a pretty fun chapter to write. I was a little worried about the yelling seeming over the top, but it seems to have been well-received so far. Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/22/07 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Draco Malfoy

NUW!!!! i am going through and re-reading this story :::blushes::: ive kinda forgotten the details, as :::coughs::: the updates are kinda slow in coming (i know, i know) and id forgotten how much i LOVE your (Jarius') theory on the prophecy! long time love it!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! Yeah, I\'m sorry about the infrequent updates lately. Blame it on a new job, a new baby, and a general lack of computer time. But I WILL finish this story. And there are only a few more chapters to go.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 03/09/07 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Little Hangleton

YEA!!!!!!!!! its here its here!!! okay ill review again after i actually read it ; )

Author's Response: Thanks! I\'ll go read your other review now. :-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 03/09/07 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Little Hangleton

HOLY SH... i mean... they're going to be okay RIGHT?!?! Nuw... love this story BIG TIME!

Author's Response: LOL! Thanks for stopping your exclamation where you did. ;-) I\'m glad you love the story, but I\'m not telling you if they\'re all right or not. That information is in the next chapter, which is currently in the queue.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/22/07 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Harry's Secret Plan

ooooh... i forgot about that too!!

Author's Response: You forgot that part?!?!?!?! That was like the turning point! Oh well. That sort of thing happens to me all the time when it\'s been a while.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 08/06/07 Title: Harry Potter and the Magical Myths

shut UP! I could feel an update in my bones when I woke up this morning ; ) OMG! Nuw I LOVE this story, and the updates make me happy ; ) WOO HOO, oh and BTW, I do still really wanna talk about DH, but as I have a REALLY, shall we say, energetic 5 year old at home, I haven't had a chance to e-mail at home. see ya when I can read this

Author's Response: Thanks, Siva. I\'m glad you\'re happy about the update. Hopefully, it will be validated quickly.

True Love Waits by Narwen3

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: When Harry graduates, he asks Ginny a question. Getting an unexpected answer, he's left to face real life alone. Finally, he must grow up, without Ginny at his side. Sequel to "To See You Through The Dark."
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 02/12/07 Title: Chapter 7: Back to Hogwarts

excellent story!

Harry Potter and the Heirs of Slytherin by fawkes_07

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is an alternate version of Book Seven. Harry reluctantly returns to Hogwarts to train with a new DADA teacher, one appointed in specifically for Harry in Dumbledore's will. As the rest of the Wizard World reacts to Dumbledore's defeat, Harry develops the skills he needs to fulfill the Prophecy--including mastery of the Kedavra curse.

Mysteries are explored along the way, particularly the "missing 24 hours" from 1981--the span of time between Hagrid taking Baby Harry from the ruins of Godric's Hollow on Halloween Night, and his arrival to hand off Baby Harry on Privet Drive the following night. The Veil Room in the Department of Mysteries is also revisited. A traitor is uncovered, and Dumbledore's wisdom comes into question. And even when all goes as planned, things are not all they seem.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/23/07 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Ends and Beginnings

WOOHOO!! why didn't Harry tell Sirius right away?

Author's Response: Uhh... tell him what?

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/30/07 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25: The Inquest

YEA!!! fix 'im good Harry!! we want Sirius back!! i LOVE this story! keep it up!

Author's Response: Thanks! 26 is already done, I\'m just waiting a few days for everyone to have a chance to read 25.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 10/16/07 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Calm

aww... I've always felt like there had to be something that they could do for the Longbottoms... I'm glad I'm not the only one. Also, the fawkes chapter is one of my top three favorite chapters... in all of the stories I've read. You are in excellent company in that regard. Thanks for such a wonderful story!

Author's Response: Cool! What are your other 2? I\'m always looking for good fanfics...

The Third War by dumbledorefluertwins

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry's twins are starting Hogwarts this year and he will do anything he can to prevent them from going through the horrors that he had to endure.

This proves difficult as they are cast into the middle of another war, one which the Death Eaters have been planning for years...

Warnings are for later chapters although there are mentions of violence and character death from the start. All ships are canon.

**Gasp** Over two-hundred people have put my story in their favorites and I have nearly three hundred reviews!

All reviews WILL be answered.
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 03/28/07 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10, Whispering shadows

"the gate will be opened when the seven join together to fight evil."

Author's Response: Yup, that\'s right.

Realizing It's Never Too Late by Gryffindor Girl

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: After taking different paths a couple of years ago, Ron and Hermione find each other again, both of them wondering if their separation was a mistake. This applies especially to Hermione, who is leading an empty, unhappy life next to her fiance.

UPDATE (12/7/11): Newest chapter posted. Let us hope next one doesn't take me a year.
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/12/07 Title: Chapter 7: Appointments and Engagements

Yeah im totally going with the torrid love affair with the secretary, and the ever impressive Patricia, im so glad the Weasley's were there. keep it up.

Author's Response: Thanks!!

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/11/07 Title: Chapter 8: The Wedding of the Year

; ) well written... but WHY?!? ; ) prenant women should NOT wear corsets... dehydrated... bah... come to think of it any kinda woman should NOT wear a corset... whatever now im off track... i love the weasleys! they are so wonderful and you are portraying them very well.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! You\'re funny, lol...

Someone To Watch Over Me by MagEd

Rated: 6th-7th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: 2009 QSQ Awards Winner for Best Chaptered Canon Romance

Before the chosen one was ever born, his parents had to meet, fall in love, and defy Voldemort three times. Easier said than done. Things were never easy for Harry Potter's parents, but it gets a whole lot harder when Death Eaters kidnap Lily. This is the story of Lily and James, the trials they face, and how James finally wins Lily's heart. (pre-Deathly Hallows)


“I’ll always protect you.”
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 07/16/07 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 15: The Doubt That Brought Faith

nope...uh uh... it's not okay. no matter the reason he can't just go kissing other girls... cheating is cheating period the end. Actually I don't think he would ever do it unless there were outside influences...nor do I think Lilly would have forgiven him. That being said, I love this story and I can't wait for it to be updated.

Author's Response: Well, I\'m glad you like the story anyway. Thanks for the review.

When Darkness Did Surround Us by MagEd

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: 2007 QSQ Awards Runner-up for Best Post-Hogwarts

Petunia Dursley is enjoying dinner with her family when someone starts pounding on the door. Ready to tell them off for being so rude and refusing to leave when they didn't answer at first, Petunia opens the door to have a baby shoved into her arms and told she is his only family. Years after the great Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, Death Eaters have risen to power and taken over Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, and even the Ministry of Magic. Their marriages announced invalid, their children in danger and their lives hanging by a thread, the heroes of the war with Voldemort must once again take a stand against evil.

H/G and R/Hr

(pre-Deathly Hallows)


*Quote from The Epilogue*

Suddenly Harry was kissing her as if he couldn’t resist the temptation. There was a kind of frenzy to the kiss at first, a kind of desperate need, but it melted into something soft and sweet and gentle, a promise of a future when kisses would never be limited. When they broke apart he rested his forehead on hers, sprinkling a few affectionate butterfly kisses across her face. “I love you,” he murmured.
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 08/03/07 Title: Chapter 12: The Devil's in the Details

Please Please Please keep writing! I love your stories! I may not make it if I don't what happens in this story!

Author's Response: I\'m working on it!

Never Alone by ckwright51

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Dumbledore’s gone and Harry, Ron and Hermione have returned to Privet Drive to start their search for the Horcruxes. Their plan not to return to Hogwarts is changed with the reading of Dumbledore’s will. Harry must discover that his friends are a greater help then he can imagine and how to use the “Power the Dark Lord knows not.” With a little romance, action, mystery and even Quidditch along the way, Harry will find out if he and his friends can defeat the greatest Dark Wizard of the age.

This story was completely written before the release of DH or the Order of the Phoenix movie. Any similarities are entirely coincidental.

All reviews will recieve a response!
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/04/07 Title: Chapter 16: Hufflepuff"s Cup

i have two theories, one about Ginny's REAL secret and one about funny DADA teacher...shall i put them here? this is a wonderful story!

Author's Response: I\'m really glad you like the story. As for theories, absolutly let me know what they are in the review section, or fire off an email. Either way, that way they will be in writing so if you are correct you may win the prize. There is no prize actaully, but you will have the satisfaction of being documented correct. I\'m glad you like the story.