Lunalovespudding [
I'm a HUGE fan of Harry Potter, and don't expect me to get stories done really fast, since I have a lot of homework, have music on weekends, and get home really late! I enjoy editing photos of people I don't like so that they are absolutely hideous. I am a proud Ravenclaw.
I am thinking up ideas for more fics to write, and here are some ideas: Potter Tales: Classic fairy tales with a Potter twist!
Rachel: The secret of the seven husbands of Rachel Zabini.
The Life of the (Not-So-) Evil Tom Riddle: Tom Riddle had insane ancestors and grew up unloved. What else could he do but turn to the Dark Arts?
All Because of a Grape: Grape. Such a small word, Luna Lovegood never thought it could cause so much trouble.
Tell me what you think of these!
Other than that, I LOVE cats. One more thing: I'm a TOTAL Gleek!!!!!!! Go Kurt!
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Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: George Weasley is lying on his bed, thinking, when something happens that could change his life.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 |
Completed: No |
Words: 1523 |
Hits: 5742 |
Published: 06/05/10 |
Updated: 06/07/10
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