MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Emerald Fox [Contact]

Hi my name is Brooke Fox. I am a young, unpublished writer, currently live at home, and am a Church of Christ member. I attend college and work part time as a professional dog bather. Fun huh? I am a huge fan of Harry Potter- one of my favorite chracters is Severus Snape so you will probably see more than one thing written on him- Gone With the Wind, and Patrick Swayze movies. I also enjoy music, especially singing.

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Stories by Emerald Fox

Reconciliation by Emerald Fox

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Imagine a new chapter in the Deathly Hallows with the slight twist the Severus Snape survives. Upon Lord Voldemort's downfall, Harry faces the man who has so long been his benefactor.

Everybody's Fool by Emerald Fox

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Tribute to Severus Snape

Empty Dreams by Emerald Fox

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Merely a Severus Snape muse rouser. Think it resembles him a bit.

Snape's Revelation by Emerald Fox

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This story is a small twist off from Harry and Luna's excursion into Ravenclaw Tower at the end of the seventh book. Their struggles to find the diadem of Ravenclaw are interrupted by a slight turn when they are discovered by Snape rather than Professor McGonagall in their search. What is written in the tone of a beautiful death scene in the book bascially becomes an exploration of possibilities of what may have happened had Snape been granted those last moments with Harry, which he so desperately wanted, but which were so rudely snatched away from him at the last moment. Harry's shock in the book at finally discovering Snape's secrets, along with the knowledge that he must die, are noticeably more poignant with the edge of Snape telling him face to face. How is Snape going to give him his last secret?