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Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Canon enlarged: Adventure and humor as Rowling's world and characters (and Britain) are discovered by a young American wizard. Voldemort's death leads to the overthrow of the American Death Eaters who had kept the two nations apart, so Ryan Jenkins is hurriedly sent to Britain to learn what happened. He meets Harry and friends and is drawn into a series of mysteries and adventures. Together, they confront the damage Voldemort has done to both countries and make some shocking discoveries.
Categories: Post-Hogwarts
Characters: None
Warnings: Mild Profanity
Series: None
Chapters: 28 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 117395 |
Hits: 3453 |
Published: 05/21/16 |
Updated: 06/20/16
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