MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Quidlo Match by Hypatia

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lord Stoddard Withers (1642 – 1769) bred Aethonans and held a Masters in Magizoology, specializing in winged horses. Lord Withers is most noted for his attempt to combine Quidditch with the Muggle sport, polo, shortly after many Quidditch teams were disbanded in 1674. Unfortunately, Quidlo, as Lord Withers christened it, never did catch on.

Overall winner of the Spring Challenge 2007

First place in the Wizard Card category

Nominated for Best Humor Story in the 2008 QSQs!

Taking Control by Wand_Waver2006

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A missing moment from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. What was going through the minds of Professor Umbridge, Hagrid, and Professor McGonagall the night Hagrid was fired?

Wand_Waver2006 of Ravenclaw House's entry for the A Different Viewpoint Spring challenge.

Texture of Darkness by Masked One

Rated: Professors •
Summary: They say the world isn’t black and white- that there’s shades of grey. My world doesn’t have shades of grey. There’s no light for me. My world is a world of darkness, and it’s merely the texture that changes. . . . So I’ll write from my darkness-- inky wet words upon a pale parchment. I’ll write the ugly and brutal truth. I’ll write about hope with no goal. And the magic will take you back. Back to my memories. Welcome to my world. --Theodore Nott

Three on Two by skywalker

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Quidditch is fun, whether playing for keeps or not.

The Death Eater Dance by Rowlover

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A poem involving Death Eaters, and The Worm.....Need I say more?

Thrown Into The Wind by wendelin the wierd

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Journeys were always dreadful things. And with Sirius making the greatest journey of all, will Andromeda be able to take it?

SPEW 007.

The White Sheep by hydraspit

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: ...you don't just hand in your resignation to Voldemort. It's a lifetime of service or death."rnThe story of why Regulus Black tried to leave the Death Eaters. One-Shot

Twice Lost by Chaser921

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Was Dumbledore's death the only reason Harry broke up with Ginny? Or did something else happen that made him realize how devastated he'd be if he lost her? A missing moment set after Dumbledore's death in HBP, but before the funeral.

The Salem Witch Trials by FullofLife

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry, Ron and Hermione are spending a day in the small wizarding village of Hogsmeade when they happen to come upon a strange amulet lying in the snow. This amulet has amazing powers and transports the three friends to Salem, Massachusetts in the year 1692 when Muggles lived in fear of witches and wizards and the penalty for being able to perform magic was death.

The Marauders and Me by Lissa Reynolds

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Tonks thought she was going to have a nice, normal summer...for once...but she doesn't count on the Marauders showing up...with plans to spend the entire holidays. Can she spend the next two months avoiding them...or will fate, natural curiosity and the irrepressible Marauders get the better of her?
Edited by mod: Please do not put author's notes in your summary.

Thicker than Water by Zara Ravenwood

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: With Black on the loose and dementors at Hogwarts, all Albus Dumbledore wants is to protect Harry, keep the school from harm and keep Remus and Severus from killing one another. Oh, and to keep Severus’s estranged werewolf son, Auster “Feingale,” in school.
All Lupin wants to is to safeguard James's boy and keep his secrets.
All Severus wants is revenge.
And all Auster wants is his father’s love, long taken from him with a single bite, and he will do anything to get it. A different and dark take on book three.

Torn by dumbledorefluertwins

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A dark fic about families torn apart. Daisy Potter is thirteen years old and is already burdened with the responsibilty of her autistic sister and ill mother. Will she ever be able to go to Hogwarts?

This fic deals with Autism and other Mental disorders so if you're easily upset by such thing then I advise you not to read this fic.

Their Death-Marked Love by _Levicorpus_

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Sixteen-year-old Hermione Granger has come back to school for her sixth year, having acquired a few curves and a few more worries over the summer. But in Potions class, the Amortentia potion makes her realize an unusual desire. When the scent continues to crop up in her daily life, especially when she is helping Professor Snape after class, life takes a turn for confusion…

The Last Black by Sly Severus

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Sitting alone, Andromeda contemplates the loss of her family, realizing that she is the only survivng member of the Black family.

The Common Room Fire by ciscomom

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: After a physically and emotionally draining day, Ron and Hermione find themselves alone with their thoughts - and each other - in front of the common room fire.

To Burn by Wings of the Morning

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Sirius's descent into madness, in thirteen steps.

It feels like he's a ticking time-bomb, only he doesn't know how long he's got left.

That's What You Do For Your Friends by Dragon_Warrior

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily: Smart, sharp, and would never even dream of getting in trouble. Head Girl.
James: Clever, crafty, and Hogwarts' main source of mischief. Head Boy.
Lily hates James, James knows not what to think of Lily, but when they must work together to ultimately protect the lives of their friends, who knows what can happen?

The Island Escape by Duck the Duck

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ever wondered how the Dursley's managed to get off the island after Hagrid and Harry took their boat? Read on to find out...

The E-Journal of an Evil Janitor by Schmerg_The_Impaler

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's the sequel to "The Dark Lord's Blog," guys! (And girls... and, I don't know, gender-neutral people and centaurs and walruses and parameciums and shrubs and stuff.)

Several months have passed since Filch came into possession of Voldemort's magical powers, and he has taken over Hogwarts.

With Filch serving as The Dark Lord Snoogerblossom, the position of Hogwarts caretaker/janitor is open. Seeing as Voldemort wants his magical powers back, he and his extremely attractive new sidekick, Mungo Phelps, go undercover at Hogwarts, with Mungo posing as a transfer student and Voldemort posing as the new janitor. Wacky high-jinks ensue.

Join Voldemort as he tries to get back his magic, kill Harry Potter, steal Gryffindor's sword to make a shiny new Horcrux, romance Minerva McGonagall, discover Sirius's secret to becoming a chick magnet, and swallow a teaspoon of his pride to mop up spills the Muggle way and wear an unflattering uniform! WARNING: Extremely silly and very out-of-character.

If you haven't read "The Dark Lord's Blog," well, what are you doing? GO READ IT NOW! Just click on my author name and you'll be directed to my chaotic author page, which lists all my wacky stories.

This is on hiatus, dudes. Ooh! But it was twice nominated by nice (and insane) people for the Best Humour Fic award in the Quicksilver Quills thingy!

Also, some wonderful loony nominated Mungo Phelps for Best Male OC, making him if possible even more conceited! (No one had the heart to tell Mungo that he was designed as an example of a terrible OC.)

EXCITING NEWS! "The E-Journal of an Evil Janitor" is now continued as a Twitter blog! Go to Twitter dot com and find thedarklord666. Voldy's waiting!

The Young and the Wizardly by Moon110581

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Join in the twisted fun and scandal with this Harry Potter Soap Opera!. ***Thank You to My Wonderful Helper, Black Ink!***