MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Edge by Infinity

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: You can't put everything into words. Somehow, they lose their meaning in the attempt, and then they are nothing but words, sequences of letters, empty. That is why she left no note. And now, standing on the edge, she contemplates the reasons of why she is going to do it.

The Perfect Cliché by MagEd

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Here's the story of awkward situations. The story of a stubborn girl and a determined boy. The story of broom closets, bra straps and declarations of affection. Here's the fairy-tale story of how Lily Evans finally fell for the bullying toerag James Potter. *one-shot*

Edited 10/26/08.

The Man in the Box by the_evenstar

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: What happens when Ron gets a midnight visit from a strange man in a glowing box?

One of five finalists in The One-Shot Challenge – Muggle Artifacts.

The First Kiss by LadyLuna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: James and Lily's first kiss. And the next one, and the one after that. Why did Lily give in? Did James start it? What happened?!

Teacups are the Nemesis of Small Furry Animals by InkandPaper

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: During the first scene in HBP, Fudge turned a teacup into a gerbil, and the Prime Minister 'gave the gerbil to his delighted niece'. Here is the tale of the girl Annabel, and the rather unfortunate gerbil named Teacup...it's canon!

The First Letter by GWeaz

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Everyone knows that Lily hated James. That is, until a special bottle worked its magic on them. When Lily is distraught from the death of her parents she can't imagine life without them. She finds a letter in a bottle that gives her strength to go on. Who was this boy that wrote to her? Could there possibly be someone out there that loved her so deeply?

This is the prequel to my other story, Message in a Bottle. It isn't essential that you read that one first, but it might be helpful.

The Magic Drawing Box by Gonz

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Second Place in The One-Shot Challenge – Muggle Artifacts for Hufflepuff House.

The Marauders stumble across a mysterious Muggle object.

Taken by Amelia Bedelia

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily felt her heart jump into her throat. In fact, all she heard was her heart beating steadily throughout her body. ...Any minute, James Potter is going to walk through that door and sit down. At my table. By me...

The Sun is a Passageway, Step Through by The Half Blood Prince

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: (This poem is discussed in the Official Poetry Class on MNFF's Forums.)

Sirius, on Regulus, on rise, and fall, and choices; a brief glimps into how they parted, were drawn into opposite directions.

Poetry: free verse, with no strict following of pre-decided rhyming scheme (i.e: aabbcc, abab, abba, etc).

The Taste of Champagne by Gemma Hawk

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Susan Bones has not had a feeling of warmth spread through her body since she tasted her mother’s champagne at age nine. Now Susan is fourteen, and her life is falling apart. Nothing seems to be going her way, and to make it all worse, she can’t sleep. While taking a walk, Susan collides with Draco Malfoy. Can he make her warm again? Susan/Draco.

To Brew a Potion by shimotsuki

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: To qualify for Auror training requires N.E.W.T.s in several subjects – and one of them is Potions. If Tonks thinks it through, she might realize that she can do a very important favour for someone she cares a great deal about.

To Whom It May Concern by poo_tah

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: “She was holding a quill on her hand; trying to do what she unsuccessfully attempted every night: write. She wanted to let it all out, her fears, her thoughts, her feelings, everything; on an untrustworthy piece of parchment. Tonight it seemed she wasn’t getting anywhere. She couldn’t sleep, even if she did; she’d dream of the face she couldn’t forgive nor forget.”

Ginny stays up one night after her fifth year trying to face what she dreads the most....

The Wolf Covers Its Tracks by SnorkackCatcher

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Ten years after the end of the war, everyone thinks Fenrir Greyback is dead -- everyone except Remus Lupin. When Remus follows his maker's trail to the Canadian wilderness, their confrontation reopens many old wounds.

The Meeting by AlexisTaylor

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ardra drags her young daughter, Margaret McKee, to Malfoy mansion in efforts to reclaim Lucius' love.

The New Surprise by rache

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

Hi everyone just to say this story is finished, there will not be any more chapters. Sorry if that wasn't clear beforeb>

Harry and Ginny are married, with a seven-year old daughter. As Ginny finds out she is pregnant with her second child, memories come back to her, good and bad. The war is over, and everyone feels safe. Shouldn’t they? Strange things are happening, mysterious plots are being formed, putting Harry and his loved ones in danger. Everyone knows he will do anything for the people he loves…Especially Ginny.

The Cruciatus Curse by h3art0f1nk

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: What do you imagine the Cruciatus Curse feels like? Is it unexplainable? The darkest words can’t describe this incredible, unbearable pain, but I have done my best to put it in words.

Through My Eyes by Pianochic1703

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Post war-one shot. Who lives, and who dies? Depressing...

The Art of Lion Taming by The Queen Marauder

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

James Potter and Lily Evans have become a legendary couple in wizarding history, an extremely talented pair that later became parents of the Boy Who Lived. However, it is not as widely known amongst magical folk that they did not start off, in their early days at Hogwarts, as being very fond of one another. Here is the story of the eventful education of two of the most intelligent, witty, stubborn, and fiery tempered witches and wizards in Hogwarts history as they learn that it takes a lion to tame a lion.

Disclaimer: Please pay attention because this is the only time I will say this. I AM JK ROWLING. Also please note that that was a complete and utter lie. Thank you for your time.
--The Management

The First by Slian Martreb

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Per Sirius: "The first one. I sound like a big, sodding girl, it's true, but the day our Remus decided he'd be bold about being a great poof and knocked me on my arse in the most un-smooth move you've ever seen (really, you'd think he'd have learned from me and James) and proceeded to snog me stupid was probably the finest moment of my young life at that point in time. Hottest, too."

Their Sacrifice by h3art0f1nk

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A poem of the death and sacrifice of Lily and James...