MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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Thrown Together by thatcrazygirl44

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The war has passed and Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny are all aurors. Harry is dating Ginny and Ron dating Hermione. However Harry and Hermione are having doubts and when thrown together stuck in the middle of nowhere they find where their loyalty lies.

The Seventh by Mermione

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Post HBP -- Picking up where the HBP left off, it all begins on the ride back on the Hogwarts Express. After learning vital information about the horcruxes, Harry is forced to return to Hogwarts for a final year. But underneath, he is still a 17-year-old. Will his feelings for Hermione blossom? Will he show his love -- however awkwardly a teen may do so?

Is he The Seventh?

Teach Me How To Live by Niamara

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Hermione is jealous that everyone around her can have fun, while she's built up an image of a bookworm. Can Ron help her break out of her shell? Ron-Hermione oneshot.

Till Morn’s First Light by Magdalene Rose

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A short and sweet little Tonks/Remus romance... written BEFORE I found out that JK Rowling had already put something of the sort into HBP.

The Laws of Attraction by Dragon Rider

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: James is mad over Lily Evans. He can’t get her out of his thoughts, out of his heart. He tried to win her over many times and every single time he was turned down. Still, he continues to pursue her with a half-crazed obsession. Lily swore never to have anything to do with James Potter and his conceited ways. The laws of attraction are confusing and dangerous though and without her consent she begins to fall for him over the last two years of school.

Fifth Chapter, Padfoot or Evans? is being written. I'd like a few more reviews before I submit it, but it isn't a requirement, of course. Just a wish by me. As for those who have already reviewed - thank you so much! I'm glad to have you all! *hugs* Never fear, for chapter five is drawing near!

The Drinking Game by Slian Martreb

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The Marauders contemplate life, death and rememberance over a shared bottle of firewhiskey.

Taking the Plunge by Loki MM

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: (Andromeda/Ted) The Christmas of Ted Tonks's seventh year, Alphard Black cornered him in Hogsemeade. Alphard knew it was coming down to a choice for Andromeda and Ted, after all, and he didn't want his neice to make his mistakes.

To Achieve Immortality by rivers of gold

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: What really happened that night when Voldemort arrived at the Potters? Did Lily and James know he was coming? And why couldn't Lily escape with Harry? Here are some answers . . .

The Saving Bunnies From Evil Deaths Society by Just Tink

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Every Muggle has heard of Opposite Day, the one day of the year where you're allowed to act completely different than you normally would. But in the Wizarding world Opposite Day is much more literal...

Time-Traveling Can Be Very Complicating by marauder_since_1993

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Two vanishing cabinets and eight teenagers in two different decades. In 1977, James, Sirius, Remus, and a reluctant Lily try to travel to the future. At the same time in 1997, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny attempt to get to the past. Their paths collide and now they are all stuck in time. What happens when they try to get home?

The Severing Charm by BRWC

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Set towards the end of Severus Snape's fifth year at Hogwarts, The Severing Charm portrays the events that led up to Snape's first foray into the Dark Arts, including his relationship with his father, his feelings for Lily and his emnity with James Potter.

The Perfect Mistake by hearyoume

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Update: Chapter 6 has been approved :]

At age 22, Ginny is living on her own and has a job at the Ministry. Everything had been going well since her engagement, but she is stunned when her fiancé commits the ultimate act of betrayal. Heartbroken and in desperate need of comfort, Ginny goes to the Malfoy Mansion, but what happens that night has greater consequences than she ever imagined.

So this is where my story begins: a day that seemed nothing out of the ordinary but would become a changing day, a day when my life took an unexpected turn and caused me to make a mistake that would alter my life as I knew it. But it wasn’t just any mistake – it was the perfect mistake.

The Final Goodbye by Sly Severus

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: James and Lily have just gotten married, but James must say goodbye to someone from his past before he can truly begin his life with his new wife.

Their Neverending Reflection by Islander

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Dobby is remodeling the headmaster’s quarters for McGonagall. In the process, he moves Dumbledore’s Old Bedroom Mirror down into storage with McGonagall’s New Bedroom Mirror. What thus ensues? Read and find out!

This is the Reason by Celebwen

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry is finally seventeen, and is ready to leave the Dursley's house forever, but a Death Eater attack on their house sends Harry to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. After learning from Ron and Hermione the surprising identity of a brand new Death Eater, Harry is left to find a door that pushes his personal problems from his mind and invites a wave of memories. Harry and his friends then continue on their journey to find the remaining Horcruxes.

A/N: Okay, it's been more than a YEAR since I've worked on my story, and now that Deathly Hallows is out and pretty much everyone has read it, I really can't continue my story. I mean, the whole thing was going to be about what I thought would happen with the locket, with a lot character development on Harry's part- now that we all know exactly what happens, I just can't keep going. It would feel too influenced by the actual book. I've decided to leave it as a short little introduction-type story. Sorry!

The Price of Success by anAnachronism

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A dark exploration of what could have happened in HBP if it had gone terribly wrong.

Written by anAnachronism of Slytherin House for the August Extra Credit Challenge

The Faces Unforgotten by AlexisTaylor

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Hermione is faced with an onslaught of feelings as she walks down the altar, completely alone with her thoughts. It has been very hard since Harry died. How will she ever start a new life when she has no idea how she arrived where she stands?

Three Little Words by Weasleys Girl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A free-verse poem from Ron's point of view.

The Lady Loves Her Will by whatapotter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The war is over, Voldemort is dead at last, and the Wizarding World is rejoicing. Hermione, however, doesn't feel like celebrating. Sitting out by the Black Lake one night, she is joined by the most unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome, person.

Transfiguring Viewpoints by Cheshlin

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Ginny visits the Ministry of Magic with her mom to deliver some things to her Dad. While she is there, she has a conversation that will change her entire view of how things stand.