MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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To Live Again by dragonwings

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This is the story of a girl who's gone missing,
A man known for kissing
A coward with a cane,
And twenty-five different ways to bring Death Eater pain!

This is the story of a book
At which baddie's would love a look
A mum and her small lad
And his curiously absent dad.

This is the story of laughter and pain
This is the story of sunshine and rain
This is how things go from bad--
to worse.

How love grows and thrives--
In an AU universe!
Sirius is on a mission,
His daughter is missing
Lucius Malfoy's a crook
And as for the rest, you'll just have to look.

For adventure waits inside these pages,
How to love, live and die
And even how to survive
For curious things can happen
On a journey in a book
You may learn a lesson or two
On how to live life--
And how to live life again.

This is dragonwings of Gryffindor, writing for the Gauntlet!

The Trouble With Being Trusted by PadfootnPeeves

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Fresh in the Order of the Phoenix, young Nymphadora Tonks is sent on a mission to help change the course of history. Accompanied by only a Time-Turner and other small objects, Tonks must save a woman’s life to help a certain Chosen One in the future. Will she succeed, or only fall helplessly into the clutches of her enemies? Danger, thrill, and unexpected guidance and friendship are to come.

I am PadfootnPeeves of Gryffindor for the Gauntlet.

The Hufflepuff Rescue by Cwiddy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Nymphadora Tonks Lupin has received a request for help from Hogwarts. Neville Longbottom needs some help rescuing a Hufflepuff student from the common room.

Thanks to my beta Samarie!

Timing by leahsm2

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Blaise Zabini has come of age. He never suspected the complications this could lead to

I am leahsm2 of Slytherin and this is my entry for Round Five of the Gauntlet. Belated thanks to Abbi for Betaing this revised version.

The Dark Lord's Letter by Scheherazade

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: What's a Dark Lord to do when things don't go your way? Write a letter and complain to the author, of course.

Temporal Insanity by Angel of Dreams

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Four Time-Turners. Three pieces of archaic magical literature. Two hidden traitors. One furious protagonist.

No limits.

Join Antonin Dolohov in 1742 as he fights against Aurors, bartenders, butterflies, and general anarchy in his dubiously entertaining adventure to get back to his former life.

This is a submission by the Angel of Dreams, of Ravenclaw, for the Fifth Gauntlet.

Treat or Trick? by Roommate of the Quillster

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It began as an innocent activity, and ended alone on a dark and stormy Halloween night.

At least, it was Halloween.

The Moment by Nevilles Girl

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "Is this the moment?"

A Deathly Hallows moment from Hermione's point of view.
Nominated for best poem in the 2008 Quicksilver Quills!

The Final Deed by Herminoninny

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Is it the end of the war?

Taken by Subversa

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: While Hermione daydreams, Snape plots.

The Light of His Life by The Scribbler

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Marauders seventh year at Hogwarts is about to begin and everyone is excited, but for James, something—or rather someone—weighs heavily on his mind. All summer he had worked to change into a better person… all for Lily Evans. The only question now is if she’ll give him the second chance he needs to change her mind.

The sequel to The Beginning and Unexpected Hope.

The Last Black With Her Sanity Intact by cassie123

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Andromeda Tonks thought she had finally got her favourite cousin back.
So when he is taken from her once again by the person she least expects, it is enough to break her.

Post-OoTP one-shot.

The Long Hidden Secret of Apples by rev02a

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A secret taught to Remus at a young age should have helped him trust Sirius for twelve years.

Take My Hand, I'll Take You Away by BloodRayne

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A giantess and a wizard...just how did it happen?

The story of how love began between Hagrid Sr. and the giantess Fridwulfa.

The Deadly Quest by harry2006

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: It's been more then a year since Albus Dumbledore's funeral. The trio had destroyed two Horcruxes when in a massive attack by Lord Voldemort and his followers, Ron gets killed and Hermione gets captured.

In this story, there is romance between Harry and Ginny. There is one more couple whom I will keep secret. You will know soon enough.

Many more things will come to light in the later chapters.

The Risks of Choice by Jaely

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This was my response to a prompt challenge in the Raveclaw common room on MNFF forums.
This story is my take on the meaning and spirit of the quote that was used as the prompt.
Remus is who he is. He is bound by a life he did not ask for; then she came into his life challenging everything he believed.

The Doll Charade by kritchen

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Nominated for a 2008 QSQ for Best Dark/Angsty Fic

Join me as we delve into the thoughts and emotions Ted Tonks deals with as he struggles to understand his girlfriend's choices. He loves her dearly, but at times, her loyalty to her unfaithful family is trying. Once again, she's trying to fit into the person her family thinks she is, at the risk of losing the man who loves the real Andromeda Black. She's come back to his side in a tension filled flat.. What's going to happen now?
It's a Dark/Angsty story of romance in response to a challenge issued by Kat (Mistletoe). OHEMGEE! Nikki (fg_wealsey) has nominated this for the QSQ category of Dark/Angsty fics!

The Glow From Within by hermione_at_heart

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: All the joy that Hermione possessed had been extinguished by the loss of one person: the one person she could never have thought of losing.

This is Phily of Hufflepuff for the Colours of the Spectrum Challenge - part 1

The Buried Heart by R_Ravenclaw

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Tom Riddle was in love with Merope. How it happened, she didn't know. But the blow of knowing the one she loved was in the arms of another leaves her heartbroken and her life shattered, and the only one who can put it back together is the man that loves her the way that she loves Tom Riddle.

First part in the Watching Over Her trilogy.

The Remus Lupin Diaries, aged 15 and a bit... by The Dog Star

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It's Remus Lupin's fifth year at Hogwarts, and too much is happening at once! James loves Lily, Sirius is all for having a laugh, Peter's beginning to resent his friends, Lily need a real friend, and Remus, he's a werewolf, what other problems does he need? More than expected, that's for sure...

Extract from Chapter 4: Detentions and Deceptions

As I am writing this, I have noticed that there is a large box of Honeydukes chocolate underneath James’ bed. Why has he not shared them? We always share our stuff.

Or maybe, he has told Sirius and Peter, but is keeping them a secret from me. Why would he do that?

Oh yeah, he knew I would eat them at the first opportunity. I think I may have one, just out of spite.

Whoops, James just discovered me eating his chocolates, and, to be frank, there were not a lot left when he found me, though I am sure I only had one or two… He says I have to pay for a new box, the original having been a birthday present for Sirius. I do not think that I can afford a new box, not if I get Sirius a present too. Oh, no.