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Reviews by hogwartsismydrug

Someone To Watch Over Me by MagEd

Rated: 6th-7th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: 2009 QSQ Awards Winner for Best Chaptered Canon Romance

Before the chosen one was ever born, his parents had to meet, fall in love, and defy Voldemort three times. Easier said than done. Things were never easy for Harry Potter's parents, but it gets a whole lot harder when Death Eaters kidnap Lily. This is the story of Lily and James, the trials they face, and how James finally wins Lily's heart. (pre-Deathly Hallows)


“I’ll always protect you.”
Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 11/17/08 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 25: It's Over

T^T I am not going to say i am mad at you, but...


will lily and james be alright?

i do lurv me a happy ending...


*claps hands anyway*


Author's Response: I do love a happy ending, too, don't worry! But things are never easy. . . . Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 12/17/08 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 26: Comfortably Numb, part 2

omg!!!!!!!!!! major cliffie! that was so excellent! i liked the weapon choice! you know waht i mena... i mean i didn't like that lily got stabbed, but you...know...you know what im talking about right? RIGHT??? omg i am flustering myself *walks out of review*

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed the cliffhanger! And yes, I know what you mean -- Lily getting stabbed isn't good, but it was certainly an exciting way to go, much better than a spell ;) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 09/13/09 Title: Chapter 34: The Epilogue

No words can express how much that chapter meant to me. i'm still continuing to read it again, but school started and before that i was out of the country on vacation. I love this story, and I especially love you.

Thank you,

Author's Response: I'm glad I could write something that meant something to you. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 07/02/08 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 22: Smile and Nod

thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for submitting! i have been waiting FOREVER for the new chaps! GREAT, as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The name's Alex.

Author's Response: Thanks! :)

Love Conquers by dumbly_dorr

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: If you're looking for the usual James-loves-Lily-but-Lily-hates-James storyline, then this isn't it. The thing is, Lily doesn't hate James at all, he can just be annoying at the best of times. As she comes to realise why she doesn't hate him, it leads to the famous love we all know about. Set against the backdrop of a warring magical world where nothing is certain, can James and Lily hold onto each other and fight?

UPDATE August 08: It's FINISHED! Thank you so much to all those who have read and reviewed this story, I have loved your support. i hope there are still people out there who are willing to read it. Keep an eye out for more stories by me! UPDATE February '08: I have changed the chapter names of some of the 'Defied' chapters, to make this fit and to make it more plausible, as I see the 'thrice defying' of Voldemort as happening when James and Lily are part of the Order of the Phoenix.

UPDATE 20th September: I have altered my facts in the chapter 'Once Defied' as I made mistakes in the ages of James and Lily. It didn't matter so much in this chapter but had annoying repercusions for future chapters. It should all now be correct.

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 04/26/08 Title: Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Twice Defied

Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: are you done with your story???
are there going to be any other chapters????


The name's Alex.

Author's Response: Thank you Alex! In answer to your question, i\'m not quite done yet, there are 3 more chapter left! its nearing to the end ... *sniff* keep reading though!

A Tale of Two Matchmakers: Christmas Reunion by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •

Sequel to A Tale of Two Matchmakers

Seven years later....

Blaise fears Terry wants a divorce, Luna is hiding a secret from Wesley, and Draco is tired of idiots saying his son has pink hair! Ginny's solution? Call the curls reddish blond and invite their friends to the Malfoy mansion for Christmas.


Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 04/14/08 Title: Chapter 1: Christmas Reunion

i applaud you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Response: *bows, then returns the applause, because without a wonderful audience like you, the story wouldn't live!*

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 12/06/07 Title: Chapter 1: Christmas Reunion

Awesome why oh why oh why did you not write a second chapter????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Author's Response: Time constraints, mostly. I started writing a R/T series and never stopped, and now I juggle the current story with a G/A angsty romance, so I haven\'t written the Spanish Holiday story...yet.... There was a year and a half between my last chapter posting on the original website and the Christmas Reunion story, so I will never say never! :)

Let Me Count the Ways by Moonysgirl79

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: James' emotions get the better of him and Lily is no longer sure how she feels. What happens is an amazing story of love and how sometimes, you just can't wait.

Warning is for fairly mild content
Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 01/14/08 Title: Chapter 1: Let Me Count the Ways

Awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep up the good work!

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 01/14/08 Title: Chapter 1: Let Me Count the Ways

Awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Thanks, though have to say i\'ve not done much in way of writing for a long time, been really busy wiv exams etc.... but thanks anyway!

February the 14th by jenny b

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: On Valentines Day when Lily and James are in their seventh year, Lily is waiting anxiously for James's annual embarrassing Valentine. But maybe this year it won't be what she expects ...
Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 01/14/08 Title: Chapter 1: February the 14th

sweetness! I usually hate one-shots, but this one was pretty good!

Author's Response: Thanks! I\'m glad I\'ve changed your opinion!

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 01/14/08 Title: Chapter 1: February the 14th

sweetness! I usually hate one-shots, but this one was pretty good!

Author's Response: Thanks again!

The Best Kiss by x_lily_evans_x

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: “And that,” Potter said, his glasses slightly fogged, “was the best kiss I’ve ever had.”

Lily was smiling, too. “Oddly enough, Potter, I share the same sentiments as you.”
Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 01/14/08 Title: Chapter 1: One-shot fic

Sweetness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is good. Usually i hate one-shots, but this is pretty

7 Ways to Win Her Heart by x_lily_evans_x

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

Ah, Christmas. The season of joy and love. And Head Boy James Potter fully intends to use the loving atmosphere to his advantage by coming up with plans and using them to capture the heart of Lily Evans.

But since when do plans transfer beautifully from parchment to life?

Six plans become five, five become four, four become three, three become two, two become one, and then there are none.

Then his friends come to the rescue.

But of course.
Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 10/25/07 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter II


my FAV story !!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Author's Response: Thanks! :D

Great Expectations by Cassandras Cross

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: A weekend trip to the mysterious Rose Cottage leads to Ginny's second pregnancy and Hermione's first. The Potters and Weasleys take on “The Next Great Adventure” as they anticipate the births of Albus Potter and Rose Weasley.


Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 04/26/08 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Rose Line

Bravo! I love it! I usually read only Marauder FacFics, but this is a REALLY good Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione fic, if i do say so myself. The name's Alex.

Author's Response: Hello, Alex. The Marauders actually play a part in this story, so keep reading.

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 04/26/08 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Pregnant Pause

Extrodinary! sorry i only review every 2 chaps! its just the way i roll! The name's Alex.

Author's Response: Hello again, Alex. Every two chapters, eh? Well, some people wait till the end and review just once, so every two chapters is okay.

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 04/26/08 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Brother Sun, Sister Moon

*sniff* *sniff* POOR SNAPE AND LILY AND REMUS AND JAMES AND TONKS AND FRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for writing! The name's Alex.

Author's Response: Sniff, sniff, indeed! Thanks for reviewing.

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 04/26/08 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Brother Sun, Sister Moon

*sniff* *sniff* POOR SNAPE AND LILY AND REMUS AND JAMES AND TONKS AND FRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for writing! The name's Alex.

Author's Response: Sniff, sniff, indeed! Thanks for reviewing.\r\n

To Draco, With Love by Hutchinson

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Draco somehow managed to get his very own advice column in Hogwarts' school paper, where he gives his sage opinion to those who dare to ask for it. Feel free to write in for advice about love, life, school, family, anything you can think of! But remember... with Draco, you tend not to get the answer you expected!
Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 03/07/10 Title: Chapter 4: Issue the Fourth

Dear Draco,
I'm having some major friend problems: I'm afraid that my friend is becoming anorexic because she wants to impress a guy *cough*you*cough* I told her that she's perfect the way she is, because she isn't fat or obese or whatever. So what should I do?
- worried for a friend

Tale of the Pumpkin Thief by Kerichi

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

No one stole from Scorpius Malfoy unless he allowed it.

*A Scorpius/Rose Halloween story*

Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 10/26/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I like how you spell Halloween (Hallowe'en). I also like how he doesn't call her any bad names! I hate it when Malfoy does that! can't wait for December either! ^_^ LOL ttyl!

Author's Response: Scorpius was raised in a different atmosphere than Draco, (no Voldemort!) so he doesn't have the same attitudes about blood purity and social status. He's never hated Rose, just been indifferent...which he isn't any longer... :)

Fascinating Facts About Scorpius Malfoy by Kerichi

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •


Rose used a blank journal to list practical information about the boy she intended to bring home for holiday and pass off as her boyfriend: Scorpius’ favourite colour, his favourite food. As their pretend relationship became real, the entries became longer and more intimate. And then one day—to her horror—she misplaced the journal.



Reviewer: hogwartsismydrug Signed
Date: 03/09/10 Title: Chapter 1: Lessons Learned

Ooooh, now I'm going to go an read OLS! ~~~excitement~~~

Author's Response: I'm thrilled you're going to read OLS! Thank you very much! :)