MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Kiryn [Contact]


Right. It's been an awful long time since I updated this. For the most part, I've relocated to a fanfiction site where I can post for all of my fandoms. I have been visiting back here occasionally, to follow a few authors and stories.

Originally, I was intending to also post my Harry Potter stories here. Well, I tried that, and I ended up being reduced to tears, because I found the process so damn difficult. So if you want to read my stories, I suggest you go over to fanfiction.net. I'm Kiryn pretty much everywhere on the net.

The following are the list of stories that I've posted on the other site. And if I ever do figure out how again, I'll post them here.

As Long as You Hold Me
:::Remus tells Teddy a bedtime story, and it's the closest he can ever come to telling him about love.:::
~ Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks, James/Lily

Fumbles Up Those Stairs
:::Sirius Black had never seen much point in a baby, and when Harry James Potter had been born, he hadn't seemed to be anything particularly special. He was a crying, pink, flailing thing, just like every other baby. Or so he had thought.:::
~ Pairing(s): James/Lily, could be read as Remus/Sirius

Not This Time
:::Ten things Sirius Black was afraid of.:::
~ Pairing(s): Implied James/Lily, could be read as light Remus/Sirius

Killing Me Softly
:::"I'll kill you eventually," he whispered. "It's what I always end up doing to the things I love." Remus didn't say anything. There was nothing left to say.:::
~ Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, James/Lily

Too High a Cost
:::He realized--too late--that he had just made a colossal. Mistake. He threw back his head and laughed.:::
~ Pairing(s): Implied James/Lily, could be read as light Remus/Sirius

Two Plus Two Equals Five
:::The words echoed around in his head, but all he could hear was, "I care about Sirius more than you.":::
~ Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, James/Lily, one-sided Peter/James

So here's a little more information about me. More in-depth details can be found on my ffnet profile. Seriously, that thing is a BEAST.

My favorite HP character is, hands down forever and always, Sirius Black. *glances up* That's why pretty much all of my HP fics are somewhat Sirius-centric. Other favorite characters include Gellert Grindelwald, Regulus Black, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Luna Lovegood, Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Phineas Nigellus Black, Amelia Bones, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Hedwig, etc.

My most favorite "genre", time period or whatever, in all of HP is, kind of obviously, the Marauders' Era.

My OTP of this fandom is, hands down, no question, Remus/Sirius.

(Notice the trend? Hint: it's all about Sirius, baby.)

My other favorite ships include Grindelwald/Dumbledore, James/Lily, Regulus/Lily, Harry/Luna, Draco/Hermione, Percy/Oliver, Scorpius/Lily Luna, and various others. Basically, I'll read anything that isn't on my "sink" list. And that doesn't break up my OTP. I'm afraid I've grown far too attached to it.

My most hated character in all of HP: Dolores Umbridge. But that's a no-brainer, huh?

The pairings that I "sink" (i.e. I cannot stand them): Harry/Severus, Draco/Ginny, Remus/Lily, Severus/any Marauders, Severus/Regulus, Dumbledore/anyone but Grindelwald, and requited Severus/Lily.

Other things that I frown upon: Any form of character bashing, but most especially Dumbledore bashing. And Weasley bashing to a more minor degree. But Dumbledore hate drives me right up the wall. Also, I can't stand OOC Blacks, and I hate the Sev/Lily shippers who take the James-bashing too far. :/

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Stories by Kiryn [1]
Favorite Authors [4]
Favorite Stories [83]
Kiryn's Favorites [87]
Reviews by Kiryn

A Girl Like You by Lady Alanna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: After tragedy strikes at Beauxbatons Academy, the school is required to shut down. Several students are forced to transfer to the other magic schools in Europe. One of these students is Amelia Jordan, who, along with two of her siblings, is sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After being sorted into Gryffindor, Amelia's easy going personality helps her befriend Lily Evans and her friends Leah, Micky, and Haylie. Along with this, Amelia finds herself caught up in the schemes of a certain Marauder by the name of Padfoot. Between homework, Quidditch, romance, and the growing threat of You-Know-Who, Amelia soon learns that life at Hogwarts is NEVER boring!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 05/28/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Transfer

My favorite in Tortall is George. (:

Yeah, the cliche goes that Voldemort is attempting to kill James because of a prophecy which he interprets to mean that the one to defeat him will be the last of the Potters. James's parents almost always die and Lily gets kidnapped, typically at a ball. Now that you have been warned, steer clear!

Thanks for listening and responding to my reviews!

Author's Response: Yeah, George is pretty cool. I really like Jonathan and Gary too, but Alanna is probably my favorite character. I\'m glad Alanna ended up with George in the end though.\r\n\r\nDon\'t worry... I don\'t have any plans for Lily getting kidnapped anytime soon. :) This whole Ball section is cliched, so I\'m really excited to get past it and write more original stuff for the story because I\'ve got a lot of ideas for what happens next.\r\n\r\nYou\'re welcome for responding to your reviews! I love hearing from people who like my story and I always like getting suggestions because a story can only get better! (hopefully...) :)

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 08/03/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Transfer

Hmm. Just out of curiousity, what do you see happening to Amelia after Lily and James die? Would she have died before then, or would she go into seclusion, or what? And since you're going only to graduation, you wouldn't be spoiling the story, so.....?

Author's Response: That's a really good question!! I'm actually really happy that you're interested enough to ask those types of things... most people aren't. :) I've probably thought up hundreds of ways for Amelia to go after Lily and James's deaths, but I'm really not sure which one to pick. Part of me sees her going into seclusion, but then I realize that Amelia really wouldn't do something like that. It'd hurt the ones she loves too much. I don't think she died before Lily and James did, though. When I first came up with the basics of the story about two years ago, I made up all these mental stories about Sirius coming to find her after escaping from Azkaban and such, but I quickly decided against those. At the very beginning, I was thinking of linking her to Amelia Bones somehow, but that didn't work as well. So, in answer to your question, I have no idea. :) I just make things up as I go along, I have a rough idea of where it's going in the long run, and I plan about three chapters, write them, and then plan three more or so. Sorry I couldn't be much help to your questions, though. I wish I could, but it's difficult when I don't know myself. :)

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 05/27/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Transfer

That cliff-hanger was cruel.

Anyway, I must admit, I was a little sceptical of your story when I first started reading your story, because there are quite a few cliches in it. But now I really, really like it! You have a writing style which makes the cliches more unique and not as bad as with some other fics I've read. Also, I like how you are mostly sticking to canon. There's only 2 other things I have to say. First, please don't have Voldemort chasing James because of the prophecy. Please don't! This really annoys me, because it is clearly stated that the prophecy isn't made until a year before Harry is born. Also, the only thing I don't like about your fic is the fact that Peter is seemingly worthless. He wouldn't be included if he didn't have something significant to bring to the table.

Anyway, great job and please update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks so much!!! I\'m glad that you\'re liking it so far! I agree with you about the cliches... I started writing it when I first got into the HP fandom so I wasn\'t aware of the cliches then, but as you can see I\'m doing my best to make them my own, and I\'ll be steering away from them in the future. Don\'t worry, I won\'t go with Voldemort chasing Harry due to the prophecy, I haven\'t even heard that one yet so it\'s safe. Hmm... I never really noticed that about Peter before... thanks for letting me know, I\'ll have to think up some way to include him more in the future! Thanks so much for the review!!! :)

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 05/27/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Transfer

Sorry, this may not be the appropriate place...but do I detect Tortall fans? I love those books!

Author's Response: Me too!! They\'re so awesome... I love Alanna. :)

Kickin' It at the Top by Soap

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: A Marauder-era fic - this story takes a look at all the characters we've come to love (and hate), as well as an OC or two thrown in for good measure. Follow the Marauders through seven years at Hogwart's, with appearances from the infamous Black sisters, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, and of course the one and only Severus Snape.

There are a bunch of pairings in this story (although romance is not necessarily the central theme) to include James/Lily, Lucius/Narcissa, a splash of Lucius/Bella and unrequited Snape/Lily, and finally, plenty of Sirius/OC. Enjoy!

Over 120,000 reads! Wow! Thanks everyone!
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 03/20/08 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue - A Look Back In Time

This is one of the best Marauder fics I've read and you had better update soon!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 06/15/08 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue - A Look Back In Time

Wait. This says that the story is not finished. Is there more?

I really liked the ending. It's sweet, and I like how they came together again. And Snape's last line! *squee*

Dursleys, Meet The Wizarding World by Ghoul In Pajamas

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The Dursleys have left Privet Drive and are in hiding with Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle. Hestia and Mr. Dursley are constantly fighting, Petunia is avoiding the wizards at all costs, and Dedalus is trying to make them all the best of friends. Meanwhile, Dudley discovers he has an interest in Harry's world, but his parents are less than pleased when they find out.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 04/01/10 Title: Chapter 11: The Plan

What I want to know is if Dudley will have a chance to go to Hogwarts! That would be so cool!!! Please make it happen? And good job!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 04/18/08 Title: Chapter 5: Death Eaters, Weasels, and Rumours, Oh my!

Update soon!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 12/16/08 Title: Chapter 7: Tabooed

Methinks you need to update soon. I've reread this fic so many times, and it's unfailing in its awesomeness every time.

Just to clarify, are they in the flat above the actual shop, or what?

Hm, I wonder what Dudley will do when he realizes that Fred and George are the ones who gave him a Ton-Tongue Toffee? Or what any Weasley does if they find the Dursley's? This is food for thought...

Seriously, though, Petunia, what did you ever see in Vernon? I have tried and failed to grasp the reason so many times, and I just don't get it. Although, I must admit it is nice to have a character to rag on all the time, and Vernon is the perfect one for the job! All the other characters get redeemed; and least he stays the same old guy we love to hate.

Wow, this is quite possibly the most rambling review I've ever given. I'll just end it here, shall I?

Author's Response: ha it was a great review :) thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 10/31/09 Title: Chapter 10: Answers

ooh...is it Dean?

Author's Response: maybe :)

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 03/20/08 Title: Chapter 5: Death Eaters, Weasels, and Rumours, Oh my!

You had better update soon, I love this story!It's in my favorites.

Author's Response: Thanks!

A Fresh Start by Hypatia

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Scorpius Malfoy was brought up in the knowledge that he came from an old pure-blood family. Hogwarts is going to teach him a great deal more. Will he be able to rise above his family’s tainted past, or will history repeat itself?

First place in the 2007 Autumn Challenge’s New Beginnings prompt.

Nominated for Best History/Mystery in the 2008 QSQs!

Canon compliant with all seven books, however, not compliant with all interviews given by JKR.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 08/07/08 Title: Chapter 15: Tying Up Loose Ends

Ooh, can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Thanks! :)

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/24/08 Title: Chapter 14: Out of the Shadows

WTF????????? Where the heck did HE come from???????????????

I assume he's got his memory back, but he can't be that much of a threat. He was defeated by two 12 year olds, and one with a malfunctioning wand for God's sake!

Update soon!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 11/13/08 Title: Chapter 1: Great Expectations

Ha, they have a Wii.
And I love the bit about Dudley! Keep the story coming!

Calliope and Thalia and Their Inspiration by lucilla_pauie

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: Callie and Lia, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin. A lady and a tomboy. Two opposite souls. Two sisters. Separated at birth by circumstances they are determined to discover... and undo. Yes, after being reunited, the siblings plan to reunite their parents as well. Let’s see them accomplish House Unity, too!

“It’s our rule not to dredge up past things, remember?”

This rule is about to be broken.

~Inspired by a worldwide beloved film.

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 05/26/08 Title: Chapter 8: Omissions

This chapter was a little bit confusing, but pretty good. Update soon!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 03/20/08 Title: Chapter 1: Callie

Ha ha. Draco being outsmarted by an eleven year old, who would have thought? I love this story!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 09/09/09 Title: Chapter 12: Family knots, indeed

Oh, that was brilliant! Update again soon!

As Happily Ever After As They're Gonna Get by cjbaggins

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: My take on the first of those 'nineteen years' between the 36th chapter of DH and the epilogue.

Warnings: contains an unusually-shaped ring, a nosy neighbour, a rude shop assistant, shaving mishaps, thoughtful gestures, threatening goblins, and, unexplained appearances of Romantic!Ron and Romantic!Harry. You have been warned.

Rating is for *mild* innuendo and *mostly* innocent interactions but I wouldn't let my 9 year old read it.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/24/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Summer That Year

How did you know my name? Do I know you, or did you just look it up on my profile? I don't mind, it just surprised me. And the story is still awesome and is now in my favorites!

Author's Response: I hope I didn't worry you by using it, like I'm some sort of stalker or something! I simply clicked on your username and it got me to your profile, that's all. I like to read a bit about the people who leave me reviews. I'm thrilled my story is now in your favourites! cj

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/26/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Summer That Year

No, it's fine, I don't mind at all. I check out people's profiles a lot too. I'm just surprised someone took the time to look at mine. Thanks for caring! =)

Author's Response: Oh good. Don't be surprised. I'm sure more people read it than you realize. I just read your first fic. Off to review it... cj

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/13/08 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Two Gifts and a Quarrel

Great story so far. I can't wait for your next update!

Author's Response: Thanks Ashley! I'm hoping my next update will be soon. After a few computer and health setbacks, I have just about finished the next chapter and have some great (I think anyway) ideas for chapter 9 as well. Thanks for reading and reviewing. cj