MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Kiryn [Contact]


Right. It's been an awful long time since I updated this. For the most part, I've relocated to a fanfiction site where I can post for all of my fandoms. I have been visiting back here occasionally, to follow a few authors and stories.

Originally, I was intending to also post my Harry Potter stories here. Well, I tried that, and I ended up being reduced to tears, because I found the process so damn difficult. So if you want to read my stories, I suggest you go over to fanfiction.net. I'm Kiryn pretty much everywhere on the net.

The following are the list of stories that I've posted on the other site. And if I ever do figure out how again, I'll post them here.

As Long as You Hold Me
:::Remus tells Teddy a bedtime story, and it's the closest he can ever come to telling him about love.:::
~ Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, Remus/Tonks, James/Lily

Fumbles Up Those Stairs
:::Sirius Black had never seen much point in a baby, and when Harry James Potter had been born, he hadn't seemed to be anything particularly special. He was a crying, pink, flailing thing, just like every other baby. Or so he had thought.:::
~ Pairing(s): James/Lily, could be read as Remus/Sirius

Not This Time
:::Ten things Sirius Black was afraid of.:::
~ Pairing(s): Implied James/Lily, could be read as light Remus/Sirius

Killing Me Softly
:::"I'll kill you eventually," he whispered. "It's what I always end up doing to the things I love." Remus didn't say anything. There was nothing left to say.:::
~ Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, James/Lily

Too High a Cost
:::He realized--too late--that he had just made a colossal. Mistake. He threw back his head and laughed.:::
~ Pairing(s): Implied James/Lily, could be read as light Remus/Sirius

Two Plus Two Equals Five
:::The words echoed around in his head, but all he could hear was, "I care about Sirius more than you.":::
~ Pairing(s): Remus/Sirius, James/Lily, one-sided Peter/James

So here's a little more information about me. More in-depth details can be found on my ffnet profile. Seriously, that thing is a BEAST.

My favorite HP character is, hands down forever and always, Sirius Black. *glances up* That's why pretty much all of my HP fics are somewhat Sirius-centric. Other favorite characters include Gellert Grindelwald, Regulus Black, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Luna Lovegood, Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Phineas Nigellus Black, Amelia Bones, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Hedwig, etc.

My most favorite "genre", time period or whatever, in all of HP is, kind of obviously, the Marauders' Era.

My OTP of this fandom is, hands down, no question, Remus/Sirius.

(Notice the trend? Hint: it's all about Sirius, baby.)

My other favorite ships include Grindelwald/Dumbledore, James/Lily, Regulus/Lily, Harry/Luna, Draco/Hermione, Percy/Oliver, Scorpius/Lily Luna, and various others. Basically, I'll read anything that isn't on my "sink" list. And that doesn't break up my OTP. I'm afraid I've grown far too attached to it.

My most hated character in all of HP: Dolores Umbridge. But that's a no-brainer, huh?

The pairings that I "sink" (i.e. I cannot stand them): Harry/Severus, Draco/Ginny, Remus/Lily, Severus/any Marauders, Severus/Regulus, Dumbledore/anyone but Grindelwald, and requited Severus/Lily.

Other things that I frown upon: Any form of character bashing, but most especially Dumbledore bashing. And Weasley bashing to a more minor degree. But Dumbledore hate drives me right up the wall. Also, I can't stand OOC Blacks, and I hate the Sev/Lily shippers who take the James-bashing too far. :/

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Stories by Kiryn [1]
Favorite Authors [4]
Favorite Stories [83]
Kiryn's Favorites [87]
Reviews by Kiryn

As Happily Ever After As They're Gonna Get by cjbaggins

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: My take on the first of those 'nineteen years' between the 36th chapter of DH and the epilogue.

Warnings: contains an unusually-shaped ring, a nosy neighbour, a rude shop assistant, shaving mishaps, thoughtful gestures, threatening goblins, and, unexplained appearances of Romantic!Ron and Romantic!Harry. You have been warned.

Rating is for *mild* innuendo and *mostly* innocent interactions but I wouldn't let my 9 year old read it.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 08/04/08 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - First Names, Syrup, and Trust

Aww, they made up! Great chapter, as always! Just a question, when were you planning on stopping your fic? Just curious, and can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks, Ashley! I'm glad you liked it! This whole story will cover the 'trio's' (and Ginny's) final year at Hogwarts. The end of my fic will come at the end of this school year, give or take, as there will be an epilogue that is a few years down the road. cj

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 11/05/08 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - Birthdays, Deaths, and Tournaments

Ha! I loved that last little bit! Keep the story coming!

Author's Response: Thanks Ashley! I'll do my best to keep it updated at reasonable intervals. cj

A Little Lighter Than Black by kritchen

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: From the ancient and noble house of Black to the obscurity of being Muggleborn, seventh year just promised to be another school year, although their last. Andromeda is testing her boundaries and the limits placed upon her. She's rebelling a bit from the ideals that she was brought up with. Ted is just living in the moment, still trying to decide what he wants to be. Fighting with habitual messiness and lack of organization, the cheerful, happy-go-lucky Hufflepuff soon finds himself in the midst of something he hadn't expected. Two unlikely characters, a spark of life, and the awkwardness of repeated encounters leads to more than they expected out of their seventh year.

I'm sorry for the long wait for the next chapter. It's finally finished. I graduated high school in 2010 and then entered college. It was quite a stressful time and quite the transition. I also lost the chapter once when my computer crashed. I had struggled with it for so long (writer's block) and when it was almost done, there it went into technological oblivion. I was so frustrated, I couldn't bring myself to try rewriting it until recently.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/16/08 Title: Chapter 9: Winter Flush

You had better update soon. You can't leave us like this!

Author's Response: lol. I'll try.

Wish Upon a Star by flossingstringmint

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: If you asked her about her mundane life, Petunia would say without a second thought that she and Vernon could not be more content and happy to be living in their state of monotonous harmony. Yes, she would definitely say that. The question is, would she be telling the truth?

A slightly AU, post-Deathly Hallows story.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 05/12/08 Title: Chapter 1: Wishes

Please continue with this story! I love it, it shows Petunia's character in a better light! Update soon!

A Torn Family's Fate by Lyra Lestrange

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •

Each member of the Black family had their own fate, whether it followed or went against the family's beliefs.

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 03/25/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Aww......so sad, yet very well written. Great job!

Author's Response: Thanks for your review!

Vanity and Pride by Ironic Inspiration

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

What is a story without a scandal?

Underneath every burn hole on the tapestry of the Black family tree, there is a story, and underneath every story, there is a scandal.

In 1924, the Blacks were the most powerful family of the Wizarding World. They were greedy, back-stabbing, malicious, and power-hungry. And Cedrella was no exception. She was her father's favourite daughter; the pride of the Blacks, and it has earned her a conceited nature like no other.

But during her seventh year at Hogwarts, her life begins to become a little more clear, her family a little more conniving. She is arranged to wed the infamous Abraxus Malfoy and has people watching her every move to make sure she follows through. It makes it even more difficult when Septimus Weasley, a blood traitor and fellow classmate, starts to convince her, that for once in her life, she could have what she wanted.

A scandal forms between the two; a forbidden love between Black and Weasley behind the walls of Hogwarts. If they are found out, their lives will be ruined. But even under the opposition, what a Black wants...

a Black gets.

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/11/08 Title: Chapter 1: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

This is a really great story! You should most definitely continue it!

Fighting by Marauder_Princess

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: During his 7th Year, James Potter is forced into a political marriage with a girl he can't stand. Her name is Arabelle de Champagne, she is part veela, and according to most people, the most beautiful witch anyone will ever lay eyes on. But not to James. To him, Arabelle is simply the most obnoxious and conceited person he has ever met, but he still has to at least pretend that he is in love with her, and pretend he is completely over Lily Evans. And how will Lily react to the news? Will she finally realize what she has been trying to deny for years?
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/03/08 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2 (Lily)

Great chapter! I'm going to that other site right now!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/03/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 (James)

Wait....I just realized that there's a character death warning. Ooh, I hope Arabelle kicks the bucket. I mean, Jamie? Come on!

Ooh, both James and Lily are jealous!

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 06/15/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 (James)

I was a bit sceptical when I first saw this, as in the hands of a bad writer it could turn ugly, but I love your writing style. You immediately caught my attention and I can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: aww thanks, thats sweet :)\r\nhopefully the next chapter should be up soon!

Shining Through Blackness by luinrina

Rated: 6th-7th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: Isla was born into a well-known and respected family: the Blacks. She grew up with their traditions and was proud to be who she was – until she met someone who showed her that what she knew was not the only world.

Follow a young witch through her teenage years and discover how a traditional one will change and rebel against what she believed was the only truth.

~ * ~

Due to plot development in chapters nine and ten I've changed the warning from "None" to "Sexual Situations" for the rest of the story. In some chapters there are still punishments which do not qualify as “Abuse”; those are meant as reprimands for bad behaviour, a common method in the middle of the nineteenth century. If you can’t stand children being smacked by parents or others as well as any sexual situation occuring, do not read that story. You have been warned…

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 08/08/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter One - Soon

This a great story and I can't wait for the next update.

Poor Robert. I feel so sorry for him.

Okay, I'm off to put this into my favorites list.

Author's Response: I'm happy that you liked it. Thanks for reading and reviewing. ~Bine

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 11/13/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter One - Soon

That last chapter was so confusing, and not because of the German bits. It just seems like a bit of a non-sequeter. Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks. But it would have been more helpful if you had told me what exactly you found confusing and mean with "non-sequeter". Thanks though for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 11/15/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter One - Soon

What was confusing was that this was a short chapter just centered around this dream, and she woke up but I guess she was still dreaming, and the whole thing just kind of repeated itself twice...

I'm sorry, I don't know exactly how to explain it.

Author's Response: You explained exactly how the chapter was: A dream from which she woke up but she was still dreaming. I already guessed it was getting confusing, but all in all, that's what Isla's search is: confusing. Finding the truth isn't easy, and she has to solve many riddles and overcome many obstacles. I tried to make it as clear as possible when writing that chapter. Sorry if that didn't work out so well.

Altered Perspectives by khaelmohrdan

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Harry makes an accidental discovery that throws his world – and his hormones – into a tailspin.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 05/26/08 Title: Chapter 1: He'd Been Fantasizing

Very well written. It will interesting to see what happens next.

Pot of Silver by eaglette with wheels

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Memories. They can destroy us. They can heal us. And sometimes, just sometimes, it takes a memory to ease the pain. See the world from the eyes of a perpetual ousider- and let yourself slip into the deep, soothing balm of memory.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 05/26/08 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue: Silver Mist

Please keep the story going! You can't leave it at a cliff-hanger like that! Update soon!!!

Author's Response: Oh, but I can.... The next two chapters are finished, I\'m just waiting for my beta.

The Boy in Row Three by ink_daughter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A child in Harry's class at primary school ponders why he seems so withdrawn.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 06/19/08 Title: Chapter 1: Click Here

This is a really great poem. You should consider writing a story about this.

Author's Response: Thanks, I\'m glad you liked it! I\'m currently working on a story that is loosely related to this, so keep your eyes open!

The One Miracle by MagEd

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: “I’m willing to die for this war but I’m not willing to sacrifice my life for it! And maybe you don’t understand, but it’s not the same thing, James; it’s not the same thing!”

In the middle of the first war against Voldemort, James and Lily Potter's world is crumbling in around them. Will their marriage crumble as well? *one-shot*

Edited 6/15/10
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 08/04/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Is Julie the same from Someone To Watch Over Me? Is this fic a peek at their future in the other fic?

Anyway, I loved the last few lines. Classic. And I like the idea that Harry was conceived at a rough time in their marriage that they managed to overcome.

Author's Response: I suppose she could be -- I didn't have that in mind when I wrote this, however. I've considered the idea of writing an actual sequel to Someone To Watch Over Me, as I think there aren't enough Lily/James fics out there that are based around the war. Maybe I will eventually. Until then, you're welcome to think of this as their future ;) Thanks for the review!

The Mirror by Midnight_Unicorn

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Remus Lupin is reading in Hogwarts: A History one day when he learns about a magical mirror that shows the soul's deepest desire. He persuades his friends to help him find it and the four boys each look. A story about what the Marauders really wanted and if they got it or not.
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 12/17/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Discovery

What's taking that chapter so long? And watch, as soon as I submit this review, it'll be updated...

Author's Response: Yikes, Kiryn, I wish that had been the truth. The truth is, I started college. But I PROMISE to update soon. :D

Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/04/08 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Discovery

This is a great start to a story, and I can't wait to find out their heart's desires. Update soon!

Author's Response: I am currently working on chapter two, so hopefully it won\'t be too long before it\'s up. I\'m glad that you like it, thank you for your review!

The Bachelorette: Hogwarts Edition by The REAL Weasley Twins

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Bachelorette, the reality show that has swept the universe, has finally arrived at Hogwarts! Hermione Granger has been chosen as the contestent who will search through a herd of male contenders to find her one true love. But what will ensue on her extremely dangerous journey where Hogwarts seems to have been flipped upside down?

Our lovely commentaters, Granny and her whiney granddaughter, Darla, will critique their way through this highly anticipated reality television series and pick their favorites out of the charming, scary, simple, complex, and hilarious men who are vying to win Hermione's heart

Stay tuned...
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/06/08 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue

This is a great idea for a story! As a Bachelorette fan myself, I will definitely keep an eye on this story! This chapter was a little short, but hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

Are you watching the Bachelorette? Personally, I hope Deanna picks Jason! Ty is so adorable!!!!!!

Minuo Incruentatis by blackhairedweasley, cmwinters

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: All was well.

Obviously, Neville thought, someone spoke too soon

Twenty-four years after the fall of Voldemort, a terrifying illness grips the Wizarding world of western Europe, and it's spreading quickly. Professor Neville Longbottom, who has been fighting desperately to find a cure, is out of options. There is only one man who can help him now.

Unfortunately, that man is dead.

First Place Winner of the Gauntlet's sixth run by cmwinters and BlackHairedWeasley (both of Slytherin House).
Reviewer: Kiryn Signed
Date: 07/11/08 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue - The Bad Death of Severus Snape

Hmm. It's an interesting start to the story.