MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Siva2478 [Contact]

Hi there! I am a 26 year old single mother of a wonderful 6 year old boy. ; ) Between him and Harry Potter, I don't have time for much else. I've made him into a fan, because i discovered HP when he was mere months old, and have been nuts over the whole "universe" since then, and he couldn't help but be influenced, so when the cable goes out or we have a "sleepover" in the living room, we watch Harry Potter. I only discovered fan fiction about 6 months ago, and I've been hooked ever since. Some of these stories are absolutely amazing. So keep writing guys, and I'll keep reading!

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Reviews by Siva2478

Harry Potter and the Serpent's Eye by Marauder9744

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A 7th year fic in which Harry, Ron and Hermione search for the remaining Horcruxes and ultimately battle Voldemort. Post HBP; in canon, no slash. H/G R/Hr

Chapter 25 is up; Chapter 26 is with my beta!
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 03/26/07 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Slytherin's Locket

I am REALLY enjoying this story, keep em comin!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I\'m glad you\'re enjoying it!

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/02/07 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - Godric's Hollow

wow, that bellatrix... complete psycho, eh? love this story... keep em coming

Author's Response: Lol definitely! The next chapter is with my beta now so it shouldn\'t be too too long before it\'s up. Thanks for the review - I\'m glad you liked it!

Because You Loved Me by ravenclawhero

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A songfic about our favourite (and only) Weasley girl and her feelings (not as sappy as it sounds). Ginny is in love with Harry, but won’t admit it. Although, she does get some help. Written with the words from Celine Dion’s ‘Because You Loved Me’. Duh.
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 01/29/07 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

She wouldnt give up...

Author's Response: I know she wouldn\'t. Ginny is too strong for that, but my original idea was that of a suicide, so I just put it like that. But Ginny has changed, she is different. Rave♥

Far Away, for Far too Long by Kerichi

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: The Prisoner of Azkaban has escaped, returning to Hogsmeade for more than his godson. Sirius comes to reclaim the woman he left behind.

*Follows the Marauder Era stories Semi Charmed Life and A Charmed Life*


Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 01/29/07 Title: Chapter 1: Far Away, for Far too Long

You are a very talented writer. Your stories have touched me. Thank you for writing such wonderful stories!

Author's Response: You have a talent for encouraging, so thank *you* for sharing it with me!

To Find the Truth by hopelesslyhopeful

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry and Ginny have led a happy life together that now includes their four children. But when Lily discovers a new 'talent' and old enemies combine with new, can the children of Order members and their parents unite and prevail?

To Rekindle the Flame sequel, although it's not necessary for you to read that story first to understand
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 03/03/07 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4 The Headmaster's Office

awesome story... i don't usually read next generation stories... but im really liking this one

Author's Response: well, i\'m glad i have intrigued you into crossing into the next generation! and you like it too...yay! thanks for reviewing.

The Prince of Air and Darkness by starlightzephyr

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Lord Voldemort is close to victory. He has conquered most of Britain, he has gained legions of followers, and through dark magic he has restored his youth. Now all he needs to break the spirit of the rebels who stand against him and complete his own success is a young, beautiful, pureblood bride…

When Ginny Weasley is kidnapped, Harry Potter and his friends will do anything to get her back. Now they must ally themselves with a follower of Lord Voldemort, a hunter with the evilest of pasts, and a former schoolmate they hate beyond all reason…

A tale of adventure, romance, intrigue and suspense. Based on the assumption that Hogwarts never reopened, and the battle against Voldemort has lasted almost four years.

This is a reader participatory fic. That means readers get to decide which chapters come next, suggest plotlines, and even make an appearance in the story! More about this inside...

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/20/07 Title: Chapter 3: Bethrothal

my name is Rozlyn, i would love to be a wizarding rebel in this story, i always like Neville to be with Luna, but Susan Bones is good for him too, I think. I am invisioning a black gown for Ginny, black lace, with cream fabric peeking through faux tears in the black, low shoulders. i dunno how else to describe it, ; ) but rest assured, i see it in my mind!

Author's Response: Cool dress. Any other details I should know about you?

Luna Lovegood and the Charmed Circle by Hotrav

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •

Luna Lovegood's wedding is just weeks away. She must juggle wedding plans, running a business, locating one of her dearest friends, and living up to the secret deal that made her the editor of her own newspaper.

For the wedding date is just a week before the culmination of that secret pact Luna had made with two of her former D.A. schoolmates. The secret pact caused Luna to drop out of school during her seventh year. A deal that will put Luna up against the powers-that-be at the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet. A deal that may eventually cost her the family business: The Quibbler.

The main story takes place three and a half years after the final battle with the Deatheaters and the final defeat of Thomas Marvolo Riddle.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/04/07 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - The Thirteenth Use

oooh... this is awesome!!! i can't wait for it to be updated!

The Muggle and the Horcrux by Buckbeak22

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lauren has always been Hermione's best girlfriend, but she is a Muggle. She plays the cello. How can that help Harry, Ron and Hermione in their quest to find the Horcruxes? O/C plus R/Hr and H/G
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/12/07 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Coincidences

Working up to be quite a good story, keep it up!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I hope you continue to enjoy it. Thank you for your review.

The Right Moment by SunDevil05

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Growing up was hard. Defeating a dark wizard was hard. But for Harry Potter proposing marriage to his girlfriend Ginny Weasley was impossible. Can he pop the question or will he forever hold his peace?
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/13/07 Title: Chapter 1: The Right Moment

that was AWESOME!!! i love H/G fluff!

Almost Me Again by nuw255

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry Potter disappears immediately after defeating Lord Voldemort, and the circumstances all point to him being dead. But when has Harry ever been known to just roll over and die? Join Harry on a journey of self-discovery to find the family he never knew he had.

Post-Hogwarts H/G
Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 07/16/07 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Defense Against the Dark Arts

YEA!!! I love Ginny!!! Although... maybe not THOROUGHLY non-harmful... ; ) she shoulda knocked him on his arse. fantastic chapter Nuw! and i see youve added the next!! woohoo

Author's Response: Thanks! Ginny really is my favorite character, so I feel really bad about everything I put her through. Still, she\'s tough, so she can handle it, right? ;-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/23/07 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Confirmation

KICK HIS A.. i mean... yea!! Hermione... you tell 'im!!! Nuw i don't think you quite understand.. i NEED Ginny and Harry to be together... i NEED It

Author's Response: Haha! You sound about like me when I leave reviews. Wow, was that a big hint or what?

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/04/07 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Ottery St. Catchpole

HOLY CRAP...BATMAN...or something... you know how much i dig Ginny... so glad to see her back... ; )

Author's Response: I\'m glad that you\'re glad. We all love Ginny, don\'t we? Well, Harry doesn\'t seem to at this point, but he just met her and he\'s in shock, so we\'ll let it slide. ;-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 10/22/07 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Preparations

Nice, got the ring back. I am anxious to find out what's going on with Brian...

Author's Response: Thanks! We\'ll get to Brian soon.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 07/20/07 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Explanations

ahhh Nuw... I love this story, you really are an incredible writer!

Author's Response: Thanks! I\'m glad you approve. ;-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 06/04/07 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 6: The Memory-Restoring Potion

OMG!!!! NUW!!!!! yea!!! love it and love it some more

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/14/07 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Searching for Answers

GRRR... i hate it when i write a 15 page long review and it won't let me submit it... so this time ill copy and paste cuz that really frosts my... anywho, back to the review... YEA!!!! yea for Nuw stuff! hehe (very clever aren't I ) Yea for Nuw babies and Yea for new chapters!!! and for the first time i think, i have a small bit of criticism. I wasn't crazy about the part when Hermione just facepalms, and knows what happened with Harry and Snape, i mean, if it were that simple to figure out, why didn't she think of it 15 years ago... i dunno, it just sat funny, did i miss something? i loved how you had the twins react completely differently! she's definitely Ginny's daughter! YEA!!!

Author's Response: Thanks; I\'m glad you\'re so excited. :-) I can see where you\'re coming from about Hermione figuring it out so quickly (although one reviewer figured it out after the first chapter, so...). Basically, my explanation is that nobody really believed Ginny when she told them what happened. Mr. Weasley had his reaction to her story, and Hermione accepted it along with everyone else. But when Ginny told her about Harry showing up with all the scars and understanding Parseltongue, she had to look for other possibilities. That being said, you\'re right; that is a bit of a weak point. I\'m glad you liked the twins\' reactions, though. There will be more of that coming up. :-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 05/10/07 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue: The Final Battle

ooooh NUW!!!!! congratulations a million times to your wife and yourself on the new baby, that is so exciting! of course this means that i will curb my impatience for the time being ; ) nothing is more important than those lovely babies and the woman who bore them... and since i dont wanna get us in trouble i have some more to say about the story, i feel like even if he doesn't get his memory back, Harry and Ginny are meant to be. So if he doesn't remember her, in my mind at least, he would totally fall in love with her all over again. and definitely with the twins having red hair, im sure that red hair is a dominant trait. people tend to forget that Lilly was a red head also, so out of the kids' parents and grandparents, really only Harry isn't a red head, so it would be weird if they DIDN'T have red hair... anywho... GOOD LUCK and see ya soon

Author's Response: Thank you! I\'m glad you\'ve curbed your impatience, but you\'ll be happy to know that I submitted a new chapter just last night. Thanks for supporting me on the red hair thing, too. ;-) You seem to have a pretty optimistic view of Harry and Ginny\'s relationship -- I\'m not telling how close you are, though. Thanks for the sentiments and the review.

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/18/07 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 1: John Doe Wheatfield

NUW!!! welcome back! when i went back and read some of your other reviews i got the impression that your wife and yourself have the new baby! how exciting! i hope everything is going well. oh yeah, ; ) excellent chapter by the way

Author's Response: No new baby yet, but I think you already realized that. Thanks anyway, though, and thanks for the review. The baby IS due sometime in the next few weeks, though, which will be an exciting time. :-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 04/18/07 Title: Chapter 1: Prologue: The Final Battle

right so i just read the responses for this one and i now see that the baby has not arrived yet... ; ) so good luck with that!

Author's Response: Not a problem. Thanks for the support! :-)

Reviewer: Siva2478 Signed
Date: 06/26/07 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Return to Hogwarts

Welcome back, Nuw. Long time no see ; ) good to have ya back!! hope life, while very busy, is treating you well... YEA!!! We're going back to Hogwarts!!!

Author's Response: Thanks for the welcome, and sorry about the delay. Yeah, we\'re headed back to Hogwarts, and there are some surprises and complications in store. ;-)