MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: None


Through the Eyes of the Werewolf by Lupinpatronus

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: While sleeping after a long day's work for the Order, Remus Lupin's dreams take him back to his sixth year as he remembers his good friends, the creation of the mysterious Marauder's Map, and his growing crush on Lily Evans. It's one interesting adventure after another, so climb aboard the Hogwarts Express and view the magical world through the eyes of the werewolf.

Humanity i love you by the_evenstar

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Before his death, Sirius ponders the myriad injustices in life - the prejudice that sends him to Azkaban, the ignorance that keeps him there, and the foolishness that is sending the entire wizarding world into civil war.

This is the*evenstar of Ravenclaw House writing for the December Poetry Challenge. My poem is a parallel to e.e.cummings' poem "Humanity i love you."

Professor Needs New Ones--A Christmas Story by Spottedcat

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Professor Snape receives an unexpected Christmas gift.

Masked Ferret Unmasked by Eilime

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: One-shot fanfiction

A Masquerade Ball has been arranged in the Golden Trio’s seventh year at Hogwarts and everyone is bursting with excitement. That is, everyone except Draco Malfoy who definitely does not expect to find the love of his life with whom he’s supposed to spend the rest of his measly life at this uninventive and unoriginal ball.

An epic romance. Will love conquer all? Is it true that opposites attract? And who are these opposites doomed to be? Why does Draco feel the need to clench and unclench it buttocks repeatedly? Is he ill? Or is he just wishing for this fanfiction to end? Read and find out …in this prodigious, celestial, sumptuous, epic romance in which love will prove... Oh, God, I can’t even write this heinous summary. Just read the *loud beeping sound* fic.

Need I warn you that this story is OOC?

Oh, all right, fine: Warning: OOCness

9th story in a series of Hermione/Draco one-shots (Check out my author page for more information)

Important announcement in my profile

The Weasleys by Princess_Nagini

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A short poem describing what you get in a friendship with a Weasley.

The First Harry Potter by dragonwings

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A fun, absolutely pointless parody involving Harry and some shepherds, three kings, Mary, Joseph, and a lot of sheep.

This is dragonwings writing in the Winter Challenge for... GRYFFINDOR!

Of Coloured Pencils and Plastic Bags by Sirenny

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: So many children had passed through her class in the small Primary School of Little Whinging, and Miss. Morrison liked to think she remembered them all. The shy ones, who hid behind their mothers legs or curled up in their fathers protective arms; the boisterous ones, who ran in small, never ending circles with boundless energy. The smart ones and the ones who struggled, sometimes bravely and sometimes with tears and tantrums. The short ones and the tall ones, the sweet and the mischievous; they were all special to her, in their own way, and they all earned themselves a special place in her memories. All of them, that is, except for one.

How Predictable! by HPwizzzard

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The Marauders are having their first Divination lesson, and they quickly realize what a waste of time it is. In order to liven things up, Siriusmakes a few predictions without the aid of tea leaves. Obviously, he's no Seer, because there's no way James and Lily will ever get married, Peter will become an evil minion, or Remus will fall for Sirius' baby cousin... right?

Big Mistakes Lead to a Wonderful Christmas by Emily_the_Poet

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Maybe mistakes aren't so horrible after all. Hermione discovers this as Christina Warbeck sings over the radio, Sarah, her daughter, dances around the tree in excitement, and the man she loves arrives home after a long day's work.

A Black Heaven's Tale by FeatherTrader

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The week before a new year blossoms the lives of the people in Heaven and Earth collide. Finally, nearly a decade after his murder, Burke comes back to haunt his old friend Borgin and revenge his death.

I am Sour.Apple. from the Beta boards and this is a challenge for Things That Go Bump in the Night! I am a proud member of the Slytherin house.

The Head-in-Sand Parade by Mind_Over_Matter

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "In books, you see it, in war and in crusade,
Just to protect our calm, we hold: the Head-in-Sand Parade."

This came third in the December Poetry challenge! *Dance*.

It isn't exactly a 'warning', but this poem does carry some political undertones.

The Perfect Time of Year by Viv

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: All that Molly Weasley wants is a perfect moment to celebrate with her family and to remember the good times they shared together. Christmas may be just what she's looking for...

This was written by Viv of Slytherin, for the Winter's Tales prompt # 5, "O Christmas Tree". It got the second place for this category!

The Greatest Marauder by Prongsies_Girl_93

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily tells James some wonderful news after he comes home from a long day.

A Life Worth Living by lily_evans34

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: On the eve of her wedding, Angelina Johnson is filled with looming regrets, before finally accepting her fate. But when old friends come back, Angelina is faced with a descision that could alter the course of her life. It's only then that she realises that she doesn't have time to be afraid, or live with regrets—after all, she had a life to live.

In Theory by Slian Martreb

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Professor Binns attempts to enlighten some of his students.

The Wrong Werewolf by A House Elf

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It wasn't really that exotic. There were no "damsels in distress" or deadly dangerous dragons lurking school grounds. Voldemort didn't use Veritaserum to make Lily admit she was madly in love with James. James didn't offer to become a Death Eater to save Lily.

But there was a werewolf.

Mourning by clabbert2101

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A short poem from Harry's point of view concerning his feeling about Sirius's death.

Holly and Hope by Gmariam

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Sirius and Remus join James, Lily, and Harry in decorating a special tree during Harry’s first Christmas. An unexpected visitor brings sad news, but leaves them with words of hope on the snowy night.

This story was written by Gmariam of Ravenclaw for the December Challenge, prompt four - Oh Christmas Tree.

All I Want for Christmas is Peace by crazy_purple_hp_freak

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Christmas won't be the same now that the world is at war. This year, all that Ginny hopes for is for everyone to be alive; she hopes for peace.

Parody of "All I want for Christmas is you"

Second in the Prompt #2 of the Winter Tales Challenge!

Henry Potty and the Pet Rock: A Harry Potter Parody by Valerie Frankel

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Catastrophe strikes Chickenfeet Academy, and it’s not just the cafeteria food. Lord Revolting, murderous goldfish-flusher, needs Really Wimpy’s pet rock to conquer the world! While battling him with squirt guns and cheesy how-to guides, Henry Potty aces Hobology, preps for America’s Funniest Fairygodchildren, and tries to avoid laundering Professor Snort’s dreaded hankies, or worse, watching A History of Cabbages in Polish. All the while, the least likely character watches, coveting the pet rock for her own sneaky agenda. What part does Socks the parrot, wisecracking pet of Headmaster Bumbling Bore, play in all this? Will Revolting dare the ultimate villainy and spoil the book? Will this novel waste your entire morning? There’s only one way to know…

Unapproved, unendorsed, unofficial, and unstoppable: an award-winning parody for all the Harry Potter kids out there.