MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: Mild Profanity


The Unknown Heir by mudbloodproud

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: It has been eighteen years since Abigail left England for America, never to return.

Skylar was raised hearing how wonderful and brave his father was. Then when he was eleven, his mother told him the true reason his father had never seen him.

Now seventeen, Skylar wants answers. Skylar travels to England to find out about his father’s life and death.

And Skylar Black wants the truth.

A Silent Change by Afifa

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: James Sirius Potter is working amongst dragons to keep the other dragons at bay. Namely, the innumerable reporters who want his interviews and photographs. All because of his surname.

He succeeds too, to quite a great degree. But things start going wrong when an old acquaintance turns up and James has a reporter with whom he has to share his flat. And his life. And also, maybe... love?

This is Afifa of Hufflepuff writing for the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Bellona by Sainyn Swiftfoot

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
A revolutionary programme, that lets a Muggle learn more about the wizarding world.

A Muggle named Dudley Dursley. A dragon reserve. An orphaned dragon egg.

And a bond.

Bellona is a companion one-shot to Not Your Usual Love Story!-- it'd help to read that story first, though it isn't strictly necessary.

This is Sainyn Swiftfoot of Hufflepuff writing for the Third Task on the Beta Forums.

Sin by SexY_LydZ

Rated: Professors •

‘Thou shalt not sin’ – Bible

Yeah, right.

Sirius knows what he wants and he’s not afraid to chase it. She makes him feel more than he’s ever felt before, but getting what he wants may cause him more heartache than he ever imagined. Thus begins a thrilling game, a game of vice and virtue, of betrayal and affection, of sin and atonement.

The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

Alexandra Quick and the Lands Below by Inverarity

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story

Seventh grader Alexandra Quick returns to Charmbridge Academy. This year she faces bullies from another wizarding school, a secret Dark Arts club, and the machinations of her father, but her greatest trial yet awaits her in the dangerous Lands Below.

This is the second book in the Alexandra Quick series.

Snuffed by Indigoenigma

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: All Bill needed to be perfect was a pretty girlfriend. Young, gorgeous, part Veela, and preferrably French.

It was a real shame, then, that the perfect girl was dating Charlie.

Not that it mattered to Bill.

Double Jeopardy by HogwartsDuchess

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Whilst in Rome, Harry encounters someone that helps him work through his frustrations.

A Complicated Love Story by lupins_girl2006

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Hi there! My name is Alexandra Kathleen Potter, one of the legendary Potter twins, also known as the twins-who-lived. I'm known as one of the Gryffindor know-it-alls; the other know-it-alls are my best friend Hermione Granger and my mother, Lily Evans. It's great to see Hermione again, though I could do without having to be around some of the people I know I'll have to get along with. Thanks to Professor Dumbledore and Draco Malfoy, I am stuck in the year 1973. I won't be able to return to the 1990s until two years from now. Two years without seeing Harry! We’ve never been separated for so long before. But somehow I can see what’s happening in present day 1990 through Harry’s memories. So what happens between now and Christmas 1975/1995? I couldn’t tell you. I guess we’ll have to find out together.

Chapter Three has been validated!

Forbidden Forest? Who Said Forbidden? by Rikku

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
It's Lily’s and the Marauders’ fifth year at Hogwarts. Voldemort is getting stronger, lessons are getting harder and life is getting increasingly more difficult. One thing keeps repeating itself throughout the school year though; the frequent visitors of the Forbidden Forest!

What happens when Lily and her friends accidentally stumble across something in the forest they shouldn’t have?

In the Stillness of Night by cassie123

Rated: 6th-7th Years • Past Featured Story

The night is still, crisp, unforgiving. I take my time to walk the stone path, staring down at the rough detail on every circular rock. This is my preparation for my own self-exposure. I’m composing myself before the time comes for me to unravel.

To tell the truth isn't always easy, not even for the ones you love.

A Scorpius Malfoy/Lily Potter one shot.

Between Two Points of Separation by Fantasium

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
On a late September evening, two close friends discover a new meaning in their relationship… Charlie Weasley/Original Character, one-shot.

Thank you to my Jenna/GringottsVault711 for her beta work.

Every Little Flower by underthestagelights

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Rising Death Eater and Slytherin sixth year Lucifer Pella never really counted on falling in love. What was love but a messy, hurtful affair that had left her with more regrets than anything? But then she met Hillary, and all her pre-conceived ideas disappeared. Hillary is everything Lucifer would want in a significant other. "It's like someone had reached into my heart and photocopied my secret desires."

But Hillary's a Gryffindor, and not just a Gryffindor, but the daughter of two famous Aurors, killed three summers ago by Death Eaters. While slowly falling for this sunny girl, Lucifer is ascending through the ranks of Lord Voldemort's army, and there's no turning back once you're a Death Eater...

Set in the Marauder's Era, during Lord Voldemort's first rise to power.

Warnings: Mentions of abuse, character death, mild profanity, some sexual situations, and slash.

The Marauding Roses of Gryffindor by Mariangelo, MissyQuill, butter_beer_drinker, x_GinnyPotter_x, PadfootnPeeves, vampitude

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Valentine's Day is coming and Sirius Black finds that he has a serious problem. He's asked his secret crush to Hogsmeade with him by leaving a rose and a note on her pillow. He wanted it to make her to feel special. He wanted it to be romantic. It was anything but when he wakes the next day to find every girl in Gryffindor Tower with a rose and an eye for him!

"Hermione, You Obliviated Your Parents!" by jenny b

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The war is over, the battles have been won. Hermione, Ron and Harry are settling down into a world without Voldemort, and for once in their lives, everything is going smoothly.

Until they travel to Australia to find Hermione's parents. As experienced as they are, nothing could prepare them for this - kangaroos, the scorching sun, a Wizarding community completely different from theirs, and one little problem no one was expecting ...

Forever Broken by MrsMarielleLupin

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Gwendolyn McDowell's life has changed at the early age of ten when she witnesses her father's death. Now, a month later, she seems to be losing even more; her brother is leaving on his own, she has to live with her Muggle mother and Muggle relatives, and now the connection to the world she loves has been severed until she is old enough to attend Hogwarts. She feels alone and helpless, and as her life progresses, she realizes that she knows nothing about the limits of her own abilities.

Gambit by Caliente

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: [NextGen] Short one-shot vignette. Rose confronts Scorpius when she hears a devastating rumor about their friendship. Teenage drama ensues. Also, there's magic and chess involved.

Having a Ball... Not! by Sainyn Swiftfoot

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story
What's the one most fearsome aspect of the Triwizard tournament?

The First Task? The Second Task? The Third, at the very least?

No, it's the Yule Ball!

I'm Sainyn Swiftfoot and this is my entry into the Poetry category of the second task of the MNFF Triwizard tournament.

The Last Sunset by eternalangel

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Narcissa Malfoy lived the charmed life. She had it all: beauty, wealth, affluence and a son she adored, but when Narcissa Malfoy finds out she has a devasting Muggle disease that can not be cured by wizard medicine, she quickly learns what is truly important in her life. For ahead of Narcissa lies a turbulent journey to acceptance and understanding, if only she has the courage to face it.

Dedicated to Elizabeth "Toni" Vouaux-Stinecipher R.I.P.

This was written for Vindictus Viridian’s Written Word Term Challenge

Chasing the Scoop! by Equinox Chick

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Two reporters. One Story.

Lee Jordan, former Potterwatch stalwart has been reduced to working for Sourcery Sounds Radio. When Digby Smyth says jump – Lee says ‘How high?’ What he wants is his own radio station again but first he must travel to Beauxbatons Ecole de Magic to report on the Triwizard Tournament.

Lavender Brown is the best the Daily Prophet has. She’s made it because she’s bloody good at her job despite the reputation that has followed her from her Hogwarts days. She’s looking forward to reporting on every aspect of the Tournament – especially when a former crush appears.

This is the story of two reporters following one story – The Triwizard Cup at Beauxbatons.

I am Equinox Chick reporting for Hufflepuff in the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament.

I'm not JK Rowling but I doubt you're shocked by that particular scoop

Thank you Alyssa (Harry4lif) for beat'ing this story.

Fur Better or Fur Worse by Sainyn Swiftfoot

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Lucius Malfoy has never had to worry about money-- for his wife, for his son, or for himself. But when he loses everything he has, he is forced to do things he has never done before to ensure a good life for them...

But what happens when someone threatens to ruin everything he has worked for?

I am Sainyn Swiftfoot of the house of Hufflepuff, and this is my entry for the Written Word challenge at the Beta Boards, espousing the rights of animals.