MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Reminder by Misdemeanor1331

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: It's seven years after The War and Hermione Granger, the last whole member of the Golden Trio, is making her way through life as best she can. Then, a visitor from her past arrives, setting into motion a chain of events that would bring her closer to a man she never expected and a horror she had already experienced.

Through time and will-power, Hermione forced herself to forget the painful memories of her past. Could one man make her want to remember?

Two Steps Back by emmablk1

Summary: James is going to be stuck with Lily for the entire summer...wait...isn't that supposed to be a good thing? In between all the angst and indecision, will these two EVER get together? Hmmm...maybe with a little help with a birdie named Sirius...

They Don't Know Me by Lalalalatina

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: They speak your name-
But they don't know me.

Harry is feeling all alone and misunderstood.

The Rise of Diggory by TRoD CedLives

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: The Rise of Diggory. The story of the true Hogwarts Champion, the story that has not been told. The story that will change everything.

Cedric lives...

Cedric dies in his 6th year at Hogwarts by Peter Pettigrew's hand. The Dark Lord has risen again and Harry is determined to thwart him. However, he is not alone, Cedric Diggory's journey only truly begun with death. Follow Cedric as he accepts his destiny as the true Hogwarts Champion.

To Be Heard by Hermione_Rocks

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The final battle with Voldemort is over, but Luna still has some things that need to be resolved for her to move on with her life. . .things that involve a tall, red-head man. She does not know if she will be able to make a difference, but she does know that she needs to be heard.

I originally wrote this for my OWL level romance class on the forums, but. . .well, I got carried away, and the bunny ended up long enough for me to submit here.

The Great White Bear by Skipper424

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Joseph Carlyle could never get the Patronus Charm to work quite right. He struggled with it through school and it nearly cost him a passing grade on his charms N.E.W.T., dashing his hopes of becoming an Auror. Despite the fact that there were a number of other candidates with more attractive resumes, despite having to work as a cook in a Muggle restaurant, and despite having to live with his wife’s parents when they learned she was pregnant, he never lost his passion for his dream career.

Will he ever succeed in obtaining the job he always wanted? Will it be everything he ever hoped? Will he be able to support his family? Or will the critical gap in his Defence Against the Dark Arts skills cost him dearly?

This story took first place in the June One-Shot Challenge – The Best Patronus Ever. I would really like to thank MissPurplePen and joybelle423 for all of their work and suggestions for improvement.

Three Words by Furry Little Problem

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Dean/Seamus One-Shot.
How Dean and Seamus got together…

The Unknown by Starmaiden

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: "It is the unknown we fear when we look on death and darkness, nothing more."

- Albus Dumbledore

When evil penetrates Hogwarts and threatens its students, Neville faces the most challenging time of his life. He must fight fear, darkness, and death: he must face the unknown.

Time for Forgiveness by Cwiddy

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Morgan Le Faye, also known as Morgana has spent her life in battle with her brother Arthur. Now, years later they meet in a forest glen to make amends and offer forgiveness to each other.

The Nook by MissBean

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Four Ravenclaws have been best pals since they met in their first year on the Hogwarts Express---but a friendly competition may be the thing to ruin their friendship. As the characters face the faults in themselves, they may just end up helping eachother.

Think of Me by sheriden

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: He didn’t really want his sweater back. He just wanted the sweater-stealer to think of him. If he could get both the sweater and the thief back, and achieve world peace, then that was even better. One-shot.

The Small Days by blueshock

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: A potion accident causes Remus, James, Sirius, Emily, and Lily to shrink.

Tom Riddle and the Deadly Mallows by Zetera

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Sequel to the parody 'Tom Riddle and the Half Blood Prince', which I am proud to state won the 2006 Quicksilver Quill award for best humor. Prior reading is advised, but not absolutely necessary.

Transformations by Starmaiden

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Remus Lupin, resident werewolf of the Order of the Phoenix, meets Nymphadora Tonks, newly instated Metamorphamagus. Follow them through friendship to their ensuing relationship, which persists in attempting to happen, despite their best efforts. If it does, will they be ready?

The Prodigal Son by Vorona

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Percy seeks reconciliation with his family. Won 2nd Place in the June 2007 Patronus One Shot Challenge by Vorona of Ravenclaw.

The Hardest Thing by smiley10792

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The hardest thing in the life of Harry Potter wasn't the defeat of Lord Voldemort. Bellatrix is on the loose, and he still has his own inner demons to conqer. What will it take for him to come through this last trial with his life and sanity intact? And how will Ginny remind him of the man he truly is?

Sequel to What Are You Scared Of? . Warnings are just to be safe.

Back from hiatus, and almost done! Yay.

The Price of Perfection by HermioneDancr

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "Everything has a price, Miss Granger. Do not fool yourself."
Hermione has been trying all year to get even an E on her Defense Against the Dark Arts essays. During a chance meeting with Professor Snape late one night, Hermione discovers that even making good marks is not as clear-cut as it seems. Set during HBP.

The Things I Do For L.O.V.E by Pussycat123

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Hi, I’m Lily Evans. You know, there are a lot of fics about me out there. I’m flattered that you spend time thinking about me, but sometimes sickened. How could these fics not mention my bonkers beautiful cat, Missy? And what about my evil and malicious extremely helpful conscience? Or the fact that I make a fool out of myself at every opportunity am unique?

Well, this fic has all of these things. It also has L.O.V.E (I’m the ‘L’), the elite group of cliquey lovely girls that I am part of. And our rival, the sarcastic cynic also unique Iola Potter (cousin and partner in crime to James). But does it have an actual plot? Of course not Absolutely! And it starts with me getting a detention with Iola (through no fault of my own, of course). And we kind of ... almost ... well, we get on alright. A friendship sparks, shall we say. I have no idea how it happens It is meant to be. But it’s going to take some fighting for if we want to keep it. It would be a lot easier to just stick to what we know, really. We were perfectly happy hating each other. But ... well. I guess you’ll have to find out!

Read this or I’ll curse you Read this and I’ll love you!

The Pond by KASK

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily Evans' past is ever haunting. One night, as she heads toward the Hogwarts' Lake, she remembers what she left behind.

The Losing Side by Jazzinator

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: A Final Battle fic from Draco's point of view. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?...