MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
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The Second Sacrifice by mzkisseshere

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This is my take on what happens in the 'last battle' between Voldemort and Harry. After the fifth Horcrux is found and destroyed by Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny, there is one more left to be demolished and Voldemort will no longer be immortal. Will Harry be able to reach the last Horcrux in time in order to defeat Voldemort? Are his instincts leading him in the right direction or is it leading him into more danger than he expected? Read and find out! I promise you won't be disappointed.

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This wonderful banner was made by Whittyleah and the drawing in the background was drawn by HPobsession (my old Beta =[).

The Night Everyone Would Remember by rem

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The night of Ginny getting together was a big night for everyone... especially for Romilda.

The Fall by PadfootBaby

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Harry Potter’s destruction of the Dark Lord Voldemort was a cause for celebration among the wizards who had feared him for so long. These are the events that led up to his fall, told from a very different point of view.

The Moon Divides by Potter

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: COMPLETE!

(AU Fic) Two twins named Remus and Rachael Lupin have been inseperable for the eight years they've been on this Earth. But one fateful trip into the forest has changed all of that.

Excerpt from Chapter Twenty Three - A Second Chance

Professor Lupin walked over and sat down at the foot of his daughter’s bed.

“How are you?” he asked, watching his daughter carefully.

“Fine,” she answered, although she could have been better.

“How could you-,”

“Please dad,” Rachael cut him off. “Sirius already gave me the ‘how could you’ lecture.” Professor Lupin smiled.

“Did he now?”

“Yes and he got through to me pretty well.”

“Good, I just hope you know never to do something like that again.”

“I’m not going to, Mum’s not worth it.” Professor Lupin clicked his tongue.

“You can’t say that,” he said quietly, getting up and heading for the door. “Everyone deserves a chance to change. Just as you tried to prove that to your mother, one day she’s going to prove it to you. Everyone deserves a second chance.”

*Warning, some mental abuse and later a little physical, nothing terribly bad, just a warning*

Nominated for 2006, 2008, 2009 Quicksilver Quill Award - Best Dark/Angsty Fic

The Insufferable Zipper by Aelan Greenleaf

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: "What's my problem, Ginny, what's my problem? My problem is that you've oh-so-calmly suggested that my best friend has had the dubious pleasure of seeing you starkers!" - A wardrobe malfunction creates problems for one Harry Potter. [H/G, R/H]

The Jabberwock by malko050987

Rated: Professors •
Summary: All he wants is a little normality in his life. But after a Lovegood-grade encounter, he decides that normality is over-rated. A little Harry/Luna piece that wouldn't leave me along until I wrote it.

That One Crazy Night by Gryffindorgirl54321

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Very Fluffy! you are warned.

Taking Flight by Khrys

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Charlie Weasley goes to Romania to work with Dragons. How will he survive being so far away from home, not knowing a single witch or wizard? Follow Charlie and Cordi as they get to know each other better.

Please note, this story is set in my universe from The Boy Who Lived and is the second in what is a planned six story series.

Take the Plunge by Eilime

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Not knowing what kind of foul creature had its paws, fins, hands, claws, whatever, on her, she screamed only to give free way to the large amount of water that then floated into her mouth, as the creature roughly pulled her under the water. And in the darkness she felt drained and despondent, until, with the panicked realisation of another, she closed her eyes and floated…

After a traumatising experience in the Lake at Hogwarts, Hermione changes. But it seems that it is only he, the traumatic experience’s instigator, who is the only one there for her.

“You’re not going to hold a grudge against me now, are you?” Malfoy continued cheerily. “And do something really evil and unforeseen like setting fire to my arse and sending my burnt self off to live with a paedophilic Muggle in Transylvania? You know what they say; if you fall off your broomstick, hurry to the hospital, get revived, insert a new lung, mend your ribs, and then get back on your broomstick.”

7th story in a series of Hermione/Draco one-shots (Check out my author page for more information)

Important announcement in my profile

The Best Detention Ever by Hallie Black

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Everybody knows that Black equals Slytherin. It’s been this way for the past six generations. But what’s going to happen when eleven-year-old Sirius Black doesn’t do exactly what is expected of him? And, moreover, how is everyone else going to react?

This Is How She Remembers by unperfectwolf

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Gen, Luna Lovegood || She was the only one to survive in the end. She had fallen, like everyone else, when the end had come, but she had lived. When they asked her how come she had lived, she always answered the same. "Because someone has to remember."

The Second Scar by greywolf

Rated: Professors •
Summary: "He jests at scars, who never felt a wound." - Romeo and Juliet by Wm. Shakespear

Harry loves Ginny. Ginny loves Harry. Will their love be star-crossed?

Thanks to JKR for 'letting' me borrow her characters. Here's my ideas of what might happen next. Rated R for appropriate sexuality in latter chapters. Post HBP.

The Infamous/Famous Row by Auror81692

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Once again, Ron and Hermione are having one of their infamous rows, about something stupid, no less. Somehow, though, this row seems different than the others. Fellow Gryffindors can sense even more tension than usual. The biggest difference is what happens during the row. Will the row become the row that ended Ron and Hermione’s friendship for good, or will it be the famous row that got them together! And where does the Fat Lady and the Room of Requirement fit into this mess? A two-part little ficlet.

Special thanks to GringottsVault711, who let me borrow an idea of hers mentioned in her story, “Marked to Find Your Way Back.” Read it, it’s really good!

The Night Sky by lapeachies

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's been a month since the war has ended and Harry has dissappeared. Each night Hermione watches the skies for falling stars to wish upon. Will one of these stars bring her wish, to see Harry again?

To Deny Duty by AlexisTaylor

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry considers just giving it all up.

The Guild of Assassins by Orlaith

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The war against Voldemort rages on, but without Albus Dumbledore, the Order of the Phoenix is hard pressed to fight on all fronts. When one of the younger Order members, Tim Anderson, learns that he is no mere wizard, the threat is escalated. The ancient Guild of Assassins is reawakened, and Tim must fight with the Order to thwart the Dark Magic the Assassins (Fachen) throw their way.

The Longbottom Side by crazyfish

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: The's Longbottom's side of the story on that fateful Halloween night.

The Diary by annie

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: After many long years, Tom Riddle's diary is finally found. Written from Tom's PoV.

The Secret Horcrux by accio_firebolt

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: There is more that meets the eye to Pansy Parkinson than her hard, pug-like face and her distasteful appearance in frilly pale pink dress robes. What is the real reason behind Malfoy’s ongoing obsession for her and how is she connected to the Dark Lord? Be prepared for the surprising twists and dark secrets in this romance story that lead up to the discovery of the missing horcrux and the true identity of R.A.B. (no, not Regulus Black), as our heroine Iris Borgin uses her wits and courage to win her love back.

The Cost of a Dream by Gonz

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Winner of Challenge #2: House-Elves Unite! When the House-Elves strike St. Mungo’s descends into chaos. Healer Hippocrates Smythwyck tries to cope with the situation, but at a hospital chaos can be deadly.