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Reviews by nevilleherosnape

Hermione by OliveOil_Med

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hermione Wilkins is an explorer with an over-active imagination. So when a woman show up on her doorstep claiming she is Hermione too, no one believes her. In fact, she is punished! Of course, the fact that she was climbing on the roof at the time might have had something to do with it...

But when Hermione Weasley appears once again, she shares a secret with Hermione Wilkins; mostly because she needs her help if she is ever going to achieve what she came to Australia for in the first place.
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 09/23/10 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 9 The International Floo Network

Hurray! You updated! I love it! Curious to see if this great plan actually works!

Author's Response: Well, I hope you'll continue to read!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 05/11/10 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 7 Sydney

:) GREAT! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Well, I is working on it!

Midnight by SpankingHalo

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Three years after Voldemort won the war, Hermione Granger is a fugitive concealed in the ruins of Hogwarts. For three years, she has sent up signals for the Order, and hoped someone would answer. And at last, someone has - the last person she wants to see... D / Hr
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 09/01/10 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter Four: Each In His Prison

?! AHH! Hurry! Post some more! You have me hooked! Very hooked! Did Ron die? or he a prisoner like Harry and Vicktor?

Author's Response: It'll be a few more chapters before Ron's fate is revealed, I'm afraid! I'm thrilled you're enjoying it, though :D

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 09/18/10 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter Six: Beauty In Terror

It just keeps dragging me deeper and deeper in!! I love it! Can't wait for your next post!!

Grave Days by Northumbrian

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Front page: THE DAILY PROPHET 4 May 1998


Editors Note: At the request of the Ministry for Magic this Official Statement issued by the Office of the Minister is produced full and unedited.


This official statement has been compiled with the assistance and co-operation of Mr Harry Potter.

“Lord Voldemort” was, in fact a man named Tom M. Riddle, son of a witch, Merope Gaunt and a Muggle, Tom Riddle Senior. The Ministry has decided that in all future official publications Riddle will be referred to by his given name.

There has already been much speculation and wild rumour regarding the events at Hogwarts School. The Ministry can confirm that Tom M. Riddle was killed at dawn on the morning of Saturday, 2 May. Riddle was disarmed by Harry Potter while in the act of firing a killing curse at Mr Potter. The curse killed Riddle rather than its intended target.

Continued on page 4


Despite the Official Ministry Statement (published above) we are no closer to receiving an answer to the question on the lips of every witch and wizard in the country. Where is Harry Potter?

It appears that Mr Potter left Hogwarts School early yesterday morning, apparently in the company of his close associates Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. An attractive young Ministry clerk, who did not wish to be named, told The Prophet “He’s at the Ministry, having an important meeting with the Minister. My friends and I saw him. He asked us out to the pub, but we had to turn him down.” This statement is at odds with a report from the Portkey Office that Mr Potter has fled the country, travelling to Australia with his companions.

Continued on page 2

The days after the battle were days of grief and mourning. Grave Days.
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 04/19/10 Title: Chapter 15: Postscripts

Very good! I enjoyed reading every chapter! Looking forward to the next one!!

Author's Response: Thank you. I hope that you enjoy the sequel, too. -N-

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 03/24/10 Title: Chapter 14: Committals

I love this! I always figured that Hermonie's parents would be ticked off, but hopefully they understand quickly and get over it!! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: The next chapter is the last! I can't believe it. -N-

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 03/17/10 Title: Chapter 13: Inhumations

I think I just had every emotion possible reading this chapter! Tears, laughter, remorse, loss........great job! I'm a little sad Harry didn't speak at Snape's funeral, but it totally fits that at this moment in time he's still processing everything the man did. Draco was a suprise! Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response: I thought that, as it’s still only a week after the battle, it was to early for Harry to give Snape any more than the private thanks he did. As for Draco, well, he and Harry are family, sort of. Harry is Teddy Lupin’s godfather, Draco is Teddy's first cousin, once removed. That's something else Harry's going to have to come to terms with.

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 03/05/10 Title: Chapter 12: Funereal Progress

tears......and smiles! My mark for a good book is one that leaves you lost in the movie playing in your head and all wrapped up with the emtions the characters are having, while not hearing the real world going on around you! Bravo!! Can't wait for more and speaking of the real world, I was boiling some milk......now I can clean it up and try again! :)

Author's Response: Thank you. More funeral to come as this story moves rapidly towards its conclusion. Sorry about the milk. -N-

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 01/11/10 Title: Chapter 10: Deadlines

how exciting! how wierd to see Hermione in such a weakened state! It's terrific and I'm not waiting very patiently for more to come!!

Author's Response: I have been really rather cruel to Hermione. However, I hope that her behaviour isn't entirely out of character. Next chapter should be posted fairly soon. -N-

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 01/01/10 Title: Chapter 9: Death Watch?

wonderful! it flows and I'm hooked on what's going to happen next!

Author's Response: Thanks, i hope that you enjoy the next chapter, too. -N-

How Voldemort Got His Groove Back by OHara

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Even death can't keep the Dark Lord busy for long! A few weeks after his death, Voldemort returns to earth and finds his magic lost.

Forced to live as a Muggle, Voldemort teams up with an unlikely friend in an attempt to get a flat, keep a steady job and regain his old glory.

Please note: This story contains ridiculous plot twists, kooky pop culture references, extremely out-of-character behavior, alternate universes galore and a great deal of random silliness. You have been warned!
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 12/15/10 Title: Chapter 3: Voldemort Makes a Sale

Great! Love it!

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 02/22/10 Title: Chapter 2: Voldemort Gets a Job

Holy Crap! Sorry, that was the first thing that came to mind! :) It's hilarious! I have a somewhat weird sense of homor too and this is funny! I like it! Looking forward to more!

Author's Response: I'm glad there's someone else out there who enjoys non sequiters like I do! I'm currently on vacation, which has thrown something of a monkey wrench in my writing schedule, but I am trying to get Chapter Three completed. Thanks for reading!

A Stone From the Riverbank by Sapphire at Dawn

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: On May 2nd, 1998, Harry Potter walked calmly into the face of death to save those he loved, bringing with him only his wand, and four people brought back with an extraordinary stone. Unbeknown to him, they had also come on a journey to be with him that night.
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 03/07/11 Title: Chapter 10: Lifting Mists


Author's Response: Thanks very much for the review. Sarah x

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 09/21/10 Title: Chapter 9: Death, and All His Friends

AWESOME!! There just aren't enough words !!!

Scenes from Shell Cottage by WeasleyMom

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This fic is a series of missing moments from the time H/R&H were at Shell Cottage, beginning immediately after they Disapparated from Malfoy Manor. JKR shows us what was going on with Harry, but this is my version of what could have happened with Ron and Hermione after one of the most emotional/disturbing events in the entire series.

UPDATED June 2010 When I first wrote this fic, I didn't know what a beta reader was, and frankly, it showed. Thanks so much to Natalie for helping me polish this up and make it more readable. Thanks also to both Julia and Carole, whose helpful comments in the review section allowed me to make some much-needed corrections during the rewrite. I would love to know what you think ~ reviews are very much appreciated!

This was nominated in the 2010 Quicksilver Quill Awards for Best Canon Romance.
Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 02/19/10 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7


Author's Response: Thank you!

The Dark Phoenix by L A Moody

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Even in a time of peace, evil never sleeps…

In the post Deathly Hallows world Harry Potter is a broken man, rejecting the public’s view of him as a hero and seeing himself as a destroyer of lives. Although married to Ginny and embraced by the boisterous Weasley clan, he holds himself apart from true happiness. The only solace he finds is among the other shell-shocked victims of the war: George Weasley and Andromeda Tonks. But young Teddy Lupin is determined to unearth the joy his godfather once had for life and in so doing adds to the alternate dimension where the cost of Voldemort’s defeat was not so high.

In the alternate reality, it has been seven years since Voldemort’s defeat. Reclaiming his own destiny, Harry has built a new life for himself from the ruins of the Potter estate. Although he did not hesitate to claim Ginny as his own, it has been an unusually long engagement period as neither of them has been a hurry to take that next irrevocable step. For Harry, these extra years have allowed him to recapture some of the carefree days of youth as he established his career in the Auror Department. Determined not to follow in her mother’s footsteps, Ginny has been making the most of the intervening years to cement her career with the WWN. The Lupin clan has been steadily expanding with the eldest, Teddy, immediately establishing himself as a Metamorphmagus, sporting bright turquoise hair at birth. In contrast, his younger sister inherited the delicate beauty of the Black family. As her parents await the signs that will identify her as a witch, one has to wonder whether she has any unique powers of her own.

Although this story starts on a dark and disturbing note, it is ultimately a tale of hope, healing and survival. It serves as an epilogue to both, Cruel Moon for the Misbegotten and Harry Potter and the Hero’s Lament; and consequently, contains all manner of spoilers for the canon series as well as the alternate universe my prior tales have established. Reading those two previous stories is recommended. Contains original characters who were established in prior narratives.

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 07/01/10 Title: Chapter 32: Thirty-Two: Let the Pieces Fall

WOW! Great chapter! I knew Pheobe was turning into a rabbit, that's really cool! Arrest toad face!

Author's Response: Don’t worry. Dolores will get her comeuppance. But you have to give Hermione a chance to shine. That’s all I can say for now.

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 06/17/10 Title: Chapter 29: Twenty-Nine: Tea with the Dowager

I liked it! Especially the look into Snape's trial!

Author's Response: So pleased you like the mini courtroom drama. It occurred to me that there was a big gap between Snape still in hiding at end of the previous story and him having established his own business at the start of this story. Hopefully, this flashback will answer a lot of questions about what happened in between.

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 08/30/10 Title: Chapter 38: Epilogue: A Bend in the Road

Bravo! Standing ovation! So sad that it has ended, but as you said it could be just beginning! LOVE IT!!! Enjoyed every second and I think I will read it again!

Author's Response: I am so, so flattered that you want to go back and reread the entire story. It always hangs together so much better when one chapter flows right into the other. I realize I ended it with a bit of a cliffie so I submitted the beginning of a new story right away. You will recognize it, guaranteed.

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 06/10/10 Title: Chapter 28: Twenty-Eight: A Fox, Three Hens, and a Toad

I laughed myself silly at the part at the end about Binns! Too funny! Would you believe it didn't dawn on me about who "Dottie" was until Umbridge was mentioned! Very good chapter! Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: So very, very happy that you liked my riff on Binns! So little is known about him, as well as Madam Pince, that I just couldn’t resist.

Umbridge had mentioned her knitting circle in the past, but I admit it was rather obscure. That’s why I added the little “ah-ha” moment in the middle of that passage so everyone could be on the same page.

Next chapter will be submitted on Monday, without fail.

Reviewer: nevilleherosnape Signed
Date: 07/11/10 Title: Chapter 33: Thirty-Three: Improvisation

Oh oh oh oh oh!! Update fast!! Totally entertaining!! LOVE IT!

Author's Response: Just summited Ch. 34. Hopefully it won't be as long this time! Glad you're enjoying Dolores' comeupenace.