MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Warnings: None


Destroy by liberemitto

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: From a Death Eater's point of view.

A Quidditch Collection by Soccer_rocks_likeHP

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: This is a collection of poems all about Quidditch. There will be a chapter for each position on a team. These chapters will go over thoughts and things going on during a game.

The final chapter has been validated!

A Few Detentions and A Story by LaneTechFreshie

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: James Potter: Marauder. Lily Evans: Prefect. They're both seventh years at Hogwarts. They're also about to have a pretty interesting year--complete with a few detentions, pranks, confusion, and laughter--in which they get through school, make some trouble and maybe, just maybe, sort out their feelings for each other.

Thanks to all you who have made it possible for this story to be in the Top Tens. It was a very happy moment when I first saw my story on the list, and I love being able to go back and see it there now. Still. Yay!

Throughout the latter half of 2010, and the first half of 2011, I re-edited this story. The changes were mostly to fix stray (and annoying) grammar and spelling errors, but also to rework some plot points in an effort to stay truer to canon. I also updated the style; having written this story so long ago, my writing has definitely developed (and I would say gotten better), so I edited to reflect that. (I apologize for the errors that were in the story before all this editing. I found them immensely distressing when I reread my chapters. Heartbreaking, really.)

Big “thank yous” go to the three people who helped edit/nitpick the first edition of this novel: violagirl, fairiesandcream, and Omagus.
And yes, this story is up on Fanficition.net under the penname: Io.Sono.Emilia.
Of course, as a disclaimer, I’m not JK Rowling. The Potterverse does not belong to me, but I am in it and love it.

When It Seems Like All Is Lost by KateH

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: After everything that has happened to Harry Potter, after everything that he has gone through and endured, he has learned things about himself that he never knew before. At a time in his life when he needs it most, Harry finds a friend that truly understands him and shares some of his experiences and feelings. The world around Harry is shifting and he soon realizes that changes are occurring that he has no control over. Some changes are good while others will bring Harry further from happiness than he has ever been before. He will learn that his friends are the most important aspect of his life and nothing can change that.

A New Generation Begins by The_Heir_of Gryffindor

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: For seven years, Hary and Voldemort had been battling an unbetable battle. Seven long, dark years. On Halloween one night, there's a knocking on the door of a London town house. And, before anyone can relieze it, the news has spread. Voldemort was dead. Killed by none other than Harry Potter himself. But, that wasn't the worst of the news. Harry, too, was dead. Neither can live while the other survives... Ginny Potter, on the same night, had gone into labor. Besides the fact of learning her husband is dead, on the night of their child's birth, she also has two other worries. She had twins. Heart broken with dispair, Ginny flees, leaving her children in the hands of Ron and Herminone.

A New Generation begins with the start of a new Potter generation and new evil to battle and ends with a secret that should've stayed a secret. It'll keep you hooked and guessing the whole way through.

I'm sooo sorry it's taken me so long to come back! I got sucked in by the Roleplaying addicition and couldn't get out!

Chapter 4 is up!!!

The Best Kiss by x_lily_evans_x

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: “And that,” Potter said, his glasses slightly fogged, “was the best kiss I’ve ever had.”

Lily was smiling, too. “Oddly enough, Potter, I share the same sentiments as you.”

Loving her laugh by throughandthrough

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Ron and Hermione finally get around to discussing something they have been meaning to discuss for years.
Some musings and finally the admission.

Set the day before Bill and Fleur's wedding.

Ron, I've Got Something To Tell You, But I Can't Say It by MrsRuebeusHagridDursley

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: In the purely fluff fic, Ron and Hermione are married, and expecting! But there's one problem. Hermione has lost her voice, and she needs to tell Ron about the pregnancy!

I'm Five Today by hateater27

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: It's little Harry's fifth birthday, but will his special day turn out to be quite as special as he had hoped?

Demented by Phoenix5225

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Thanks to a brilliant theory/plot bunny from POTCgirl1337 over on the beta forums, this little one-shot emerged. What exactly happened when Dudley was attacked by the Dementors?

Whose Buttock Is It Anyway? by remus R us

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: The Order meeting is rife with speculation about the identity of the ‘one-buttock’ wonder, leading to some surprising disclosures. Starring Remus, Tonks and Sirius, supported ably by other Order members, risqué dialogues and bad-arse jokes.

Potentially Problematic by beauty and brains

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Verity Johnstone remembers her own Hogwarts days very clearly. Fred and George were two boys she would never be able to forget, due to being trampled by a pack of badgers during one of their many unforgettable pranks. When Verity is asked on a date by Fred, she is flattered, but what happens when she thinks Fred is George, and George is Fred? She really needs to work on being able to tell them apart…

Written for butter_beer_drinker for Challenge a Gryff!

An Honest Deed by inconceivablypunched

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Lily is sick of pranks and lies. James is love-sick. She doesn’t believe the excuses given even when it’s truthful…this time around. He could be categorized as dead if he didn’t breathe, move and sleep- though, he's only done those last two under limits. It’s up to his friends, the Marauders, to get them together and for once, do an honest deed. That’s what friends are for after all.


Flirting with Ms. Granger by AJRoald

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: She was his brothers girlfriend...no, fiancee. But that was a long time ago. Have those wounds healed enough to let someone else in? After all, he worked with dragons for a living. How hard could it be to flirt with Hermione Granger?

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes by Prongs92

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: A poem I wrote about the famous joke shop founded by Fred and George Weasley. Like every author says, please read and review!

Fleur's Thoughts by Hermione Lurves Ron

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Fleur is thinking about Bill. This story has some French and a French accent.

Solving the Riddle by Apollyon

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: 50 Years have passed since Voldemort's defeat. One historian/biographer has taken it upon himself to dive into the dark and horrible history of You-Know-Who in order to write an unbiased, and accurate biography of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. This tale tells the horrors he uncovers.

Recolitus Optimus by megan_lupin

Rated: 3rd-5th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: Who would have thought that a sleepless night would spawn an adventure that includes Dark magic, giants, Diagon Alley, secret societies, and ancient prophecies? Certainly not Sirius Black.

Written for the “Mini-Gauntlet Writing Challenge” by megan_lupin of Gryffindor.

Edit: Received First Place!

Edit #2: Nominated for "Best History/Mystery Story" in the 2008 QSQ Awards

Toxic by Therinian

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •

It is Hermione Granger's seventh and final year at Hogwarts. When she and Draco Malfoy are together more often than either would like, Hermione asks herself: "Can a leopard change its spots?", as Draco wonders: "Will any sort of relationship with Granger be bad for my health...?"

Please note: this story, while having some humor and mystery, really is a romance...!


Not Another Row... by Lalalalatina

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Hermione froze at the door and whirled around. She didn’t look angry anymore, but was instead looking rather miserable. Tears were leaking out from under her eyes and leaving wet trails down her pallid cheeks. Though she looked hurt, she still managed to spit out heatedly, “Maybe I will write to Viktor. Maybe I need a friend who doesn’t have such a thick skull.”

“Well, fine!” roared Ron, his hands no longer in fists but clenching and unclenching much like Crabbe and Goyle’s would when they would try to look particularly menacing. “You should tell him to come over and then you could take turns snogging him and McLaggen!”

Ron and Hermione are at it again, but is this the chance they need to break the ice and reveal their true feelings... or are they just too stubborn to seize the oppotunity?

Takes place during the trip home at the end of HBP.

(A R/Hr one-shot with just a dash of H/G.)
... (8/21/09) Over 1000 reads since they added this read count thing, which was a long while AFTER I published! Wow.