MuggleNet Fan Fiction
Harry Potter stories written by fans!
Hp_4_eva [Contact]

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What Harry Potter House Are You In?

You Are Very Brave. Your Mascot Is A Gryffin Which Is Like A Lion.

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Favorite HP Character:

Ginny Weasley. She is the total ass-kicker of the entire series, plus she is the only person who can make Harry at all sensible. She is loyal and stubborn, a lot like me for that matter. Notice on the quiz about my HP ego, Ginny got a close second with 80%. There's a reason for that.

Favorite Ships

Well, First off, Harry and Ginny ALL the way. They are so sweet. Then probably Remus/Tonks, Arthur/Molly, James/Lily, Neville/Luna. I like Ron/Hermione, but I can't write them for my life.

Favorite HP book

I don't have an acctual favorite, it's a tie: Prizoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix. PoA because it has the intro to Sirius, and the Dementor stuff with his parents, GoF because of the tournament, Cedric, and the re-birth of Voldy, and OotP because of all of the Ministry of magic stuff.

Least Favorite HP Book

Easily HBP. not because of Dumbledore's death, I'm a writer and I know that JKR had to do that for obvious reasons, like saving the plot of the entire series. I also like all of the Harry/Ginny stuff. My problem was with Hermione, how JKR made Hermione lower in the process of raising Ginny. Hermione became a little baby-girl who was crying and sulking everywhere bacsue the boy that she obviously has a huge crush on was basically sucking the face off of Lavender Brown. Harry and the gang hung out with her less, and she became more of a nobody as the story went on. And I love Hermione. She, Sirius, and Ginny take the cake as the coolest people in the series because they are cool and kick-ass geniouses(I don't care that I probably spelled that wrong, because I can't spell for my life). I think that JKR should have thought about Hermione more in HBP. Hence, it is my least favorite book to date.

First Pick HP Bachelor

I'v gotta say one of the twins. I'm sorry, but I think that Fred or George would rock my socks for life, and I would love them for it, so there: I have a reason for it.

Favorite Books Outside of the Harry Potter Series

The Animoprhs Series, Johnny Got His Gun, The Book Thief, Oliver Twist, A wrinkle in Time, Inkheart, Numkber the Stars, America(The Book), The Giver, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West.

Favorite Published Authors

JKR(shocker), KA Applegate, JRR Tolkien, Cornelia Funke, Lois Lowry, Gail Carelson Levine, Gregory Maguire, Jon Stewart, Fred Cohen(He's my dad, I have to), Ann Parker.

Favorite Bands/Singers

Aerosmith, Shakira, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Jim Hurley(If you haven't heard of him, he's my guitar teacher. He used to open for Santana concerts, and he's better on the violin that guitar), Monty Python, AC/DC, Eltin John, Bob Dylan, Tool, Jimi Hendrix, Ozzie Osbourne/Black Sabbath, The Eagles, Styx, the Dixie Chicks, Gretchin Wilson, Toby Kieth, Alison Krauss, Crazy Butler(My brother's band, he's lead guitarist), Elvis, Queen, Nirvana, The Temptations, and The String Beans(My band, I'm Rhythum and melody Guitarist)

Favorite Broadway Hits and Musicals

Wicked, Spamalot, Rent, Hairspray, Hello Dolly, Guys and Dolls, Oklahoma, The Music Man, Fiddler on the Roof(I'm Jewish, what can I say?), Pippin, O' Brother Where are Thou?

That ought to do for now. I'll write more when I come up with it.

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Stories by Hp_4_eva [1]
Reviews by Hp_4_eva [125]
Favorite Authors [52]
Hp_4_eva's Favorites [140]
Favorite Stories

It Takes Love to Live by Lil Red

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: This is the story of a girl, who falls in love with a boy. Sadly, this boy has to save the world. He refuses to love the girl until she's safe.

Ginny Weasley thought it couldn't get worse after her boyfriend, Harry Poter broke up with her. Little did she know, Harry was coming back to the Burrow, but not to see Ginny. He refuses to yield to her pleas of love, but love may be the only thing he has to help him survive.

Will Harry discover it takes love to live?
Prequel to Hero and Fortune Favors the Brave.

Rating for later chapters.

Written pre-book 7, so Book 7 Disregarded

Harry Potter and the Last Chance by MinSev

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Harry faces his final and most difficult year at Hogwarts, will he come through the year with his NEWTs or more importantly, with his life?

All reviews will be replied to so please review us
Chapter 11, The Meeting should have been Chapter 10 and Chapter 10, Confession Confection should have been 10 so I have swapped them

A Few Detentions and A Story by LaneTechFreshie

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: James Potter: Marauder. Lily Evans: Prefect. They're both seventh years at Hogwarts. They're also about to have a pretty interesting year--complete with a few detentions, pranks, confusion, and laughter--in which they get through school, make some trouble and maybe, just maybe, sort out their feelings for each other.

Thanks to all you who have made it possible for this story to be in the Top Tens. It was a very happy moment when I first saw my story on the list, and I love being able to go back and see it there now. Still. Yay!

Throughout the latter half of 2010, and the first half of 2011, I re-edited this story. The changes were mostly to fix stray (and annoying) grammar and spelling errors, but also to rework some plot points in an effort to stay truer to canon. I also updated the style; having written this story so long ago, my writing has definitely developed (and I would say gotten better), so I edited to reflect that. (I apologize for the errors that were in the story before all this editing. I found them immensely distressing when I reread my chapters. Heartbreaking, really.)

Big “thank yous” go to the three people who helped edit/nitpick the first edition of this novel: violagirl, fairiesandcream, and Omagus.
And yes, this story is up on Fanficition.net under the penname: Io.Sono.Emilia.
Of course, as a disclaimer, I’m not JK Rowling. The Potterverse does not belong to me, but I am in it and love it.

The Broken Soul by silverfox

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Dumbledore is dead and Harry is left alone… or is he? An unexpected ally appears to help Harry in his quest to defeat Voldemort. But Harry is running out of time and Voldemort is pressing down hard. He’s determined to get rid of his last remaining obstacle, Harry Potter. Can Harry find all the Horcruxes before it is too late, even with a new ally? The story will include romance, adventure, mystery, murder, betrayal and much more. There will be also some unexpected twists. This story has been abandoned. See the finished version at HPFF!

Standing in the Rain by MarauderWannabe

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: An old love is rekindled with a letter that wasn't mean to be sent........
NEWS: Sequel in the works, obviously AU. Entitled Walking Through The Storm. Coming Summer '08!

In Adversity We Know Our Friends by Wise Owl

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This story is about Harry's struggle...his struggle to obey his mind when his heart is screaming out in protest .

It's about Ginny's secrets, her aching heart, and where her loyalty lies.
Mainly, this story is about friends, those you can trust and those who can't trust you.

Reviews are fun and easy! So don't shy away from stating your opinion...trust me, it feeds the fire so I'm not left out in the cold! ;)

The Hardest Thing by smiley10792

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: The hardest thing in the life of Harry Potter wasn't the defeat of Lord Voldemort. Bellatrix is on the loose, and he still has his own inner demons to conqer. What will it take for him to come through this last trial with his life and sanity intact? And how will Ginny remind him of the man he truly is?

Sequel to What Are You Scared Of? . Warnings are just to be safe.

Back from hiatus, and almost done! Yay.

Opposites Attract - A James/Lily Story by radcliffe4eva

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: It is the Maruader's Seventh Year. With it comes more problems - Voldemort is gaining power, danger is rising, and James still cannot get Lily to go out with him. Join us as we explore the little-known story of James and Lily's past. **Although this is a James/Lily fic, the Marauders also star in it as well.

3/12/10 I've been editing and I'm pretty sure I'm going to take this up again...

I'll Be There for You by HG4evur

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: It's after the final battle. Many have died. A Marriage Act has been placed upon the wizarding world. Harry's got his eye in on a certain red-head!

Those Beautiful Green Eyes. by Aurenna

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Harry Potter, Seeker extraordinaire for the Chudley Canons is retiring at the age of twenty-seven, looking to go back into the world of fighting Dark Wizards. As he is readying to enter into a new career as an Auror, he meets Ginny Weasley in the Leaky Cauldron. What happens when they get back together… overall fluff, right? Maybe not!

Lunar Eclipse by Gin_Drinka

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: “Death is just a shadow I’m hiding behind.”

The war is over and the world has moved on, because Hermione Granger can no longer.

“I wish you were still with me…I wish you’d never left my side…”

On one clear, moonless night, Ron gets his wish granted. But at a very high price…the world isn’t the same without her sacrifice.

Written by Gin_Drinka of Hufflepuff House for the What You Wish for Promp in the Spring Challenge.

A Runner-up in the Spring Challenge!

Adventures in Courtship by SunDevil05

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: The war is over. Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley finally have the chance for the happiness they've been craving. But, with Harry recovering from the war and Ginny back in school, can they finally have the relationship they've always wanted?

******Higher rating just to be safe.

Uncle Fred Calls Him Dick by MagEd

Rated: 6th-7th Years • Past Featured Story
Summary: 2008 QSQ Awards Runner-up for Best Post-Hogwarts

Harry defeated Voldemort. Harry married Ginny. Harry and Ginny had five children. Harry disappeared. My name is Lily Potter, and this is the story of what happened when my father returned after six years missing to find my mother about to re-marry. This is the story of myself, my crazy family, and most of all, this is the story of my parents and the man who tried to come between them. (pre-Deathly Hallows)


"Oh, I can so die happy now!" -Sirius Potter

Those Deep Blue Need You Eyes by Weasleyboyfreak

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: This story starts out right were HBP left off. Ron and Hermione obviously have feelings for each other. All they need is a little help, confidence, and a push in the right direction. Will Harry and Ginny get back together in their quest to push together their best friends? Will Harry and his friends be able to destroy Voldemort? It will take love, friendship, strength, and trust to be able to free the wizarding world from the clutches of the Dark Lord.

Fix You by Georgie Gryffindor

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: After a brief reconciliation, he leaves her broken and heads to war. Returning four years later, he realises what he wants and what he needs might just match up. As his own worst enemy in it all, he seeks to fix what he left broken. Postwar Harry Ginny. Rating to be safe

Silent Witness by Scarlett Ribbon

Rated: 6th-7th Years •
Summary: Canon to OotP. 8 years after his time at Hogwarts Harry Potter came to realize his adventures had scarcely begun. In aftermath of Lord Voldemort's defeat, the majority of wizarding world has fallen into a false sense of security. Those closest to the fighting are still ridden by grief. Can a force darker and more powerful then Voldemort be rising right under Harry's nose? But even in the wake of dark times, all is fair in love and war. H/G.

A Slip of the Tongue by Ginny_W

Rated: Professors •
Summary: Ron wonders why he and Hermione have yet to start a romantic relationship and he takes drastic measures to find out.

With Tired Eyes, Minds, and Souls We Slept by QuIDdITch_PlaYA

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Sequel to Revenge of the Serpent. The title is taken from a One Tree Hill episode title.

Harry and Ginny are happily married and living together. They are about to become parents. Still, life has never been normal for Harry Potter, and it may never be.

Edit: Final author's note was edited.

A Past Reclaimed by nuw255

Rated: 3rd-5th Years •
Summary: Sequel to A Stolen Past. Please read that story first, as this one really won’t make sense if you don’t.

Harry Potter has rejoined the Wizarding world after a year-long absence, but still has no memory of his time at Hogwarts. Will he ever get his memory back? Will he be able to pass his classes without it? And most importantly, will he ever be able to defeat Lord Voldemort? Read on as the last of the mysteries introduced in A Stolen Past are finally revealed.

This is a story of friendship and mystery, with a healthy dose of H/G thrown in for good measure.

The Dursley Descendent by krumflies11392

Rated: 1st-2nd Years •
Summary: Dudley Dursley gets married to a wonderful wife and has two perfect sons. Everything seems to be perfect in his life until an unexpected letter arrives at his doorstep- his son is a wizard! Is Dudley going to have to relive his dreaded childhood?

Dear Fans,

I know that I have not been on Mugglenet FanFic in SEVERAL months and I am sorry. These past months and year have been so crazy, hectic, and frustrating there has been no time for DD. I am sad to tell that I will not be finishing DD unless a random amount of freetime appears.
Instead of leaving my fans to a cliff-hanger, I might be writing an ending chapter to summarize how I planned to finish DD. I am so sorry for all my fans! I appreciate your time in reading and reviewing- you guys are wonderful! 200 reviews! Thanks to my fans!
